,, - sometimes, you just gotta share ; xiao

Start from the beginning

its xiao.

it was xiao.

yet it wasn't?

what was going on today...

"xiao?" you called again, trying to somewhat catch a glimpse of his old personality in this... seemingly new body. xiao smirked again and curled your hair with his fingers, gently brushing and stroking them. you felt him move his hand towards your cheek to stroke, and you felt your heart beat like crazy.

"you know, i never realised how beautiful you actually were dear~" his voice as smooth as silk, and as pretty as the qingxin flowers he loved. your face began to heat up even more due to the extreme heat he was giving you. it was like he had the pyro vision instead of an anemo vision, because you were burning up.

"uh uh uh.. x-xiao i- i don't think t- i just don't think we should uh- be so close...?" you said nervously, stammering your way through. you tried to push him away, but once your palms came in contact with his chest, you lost signal up inside your brain.

he noticed how you had seized all actions completely once you had touched him. "oh? getting shy are we~" he leaned his face closer to your face and smirked into your skin while your skin prickled up with goosebumps.

this felt so hot yet so wrong and so different and whatever you felt right now definitely wasn't real since this most probably wasn't xiao. you couldn't deny you were enjoying this but since it wasn't xiao, you kinda assumed anyway, you weren't about to get comfortable.

"n-no, xiao p-please not... we... uh..." you were at a loss for words once his lips were inches apart from yours. you felt your mind going into a complete storm. your heart couldn't work anymore, and your body just didn't function properly.

he brought his fingers to hold your chin and tilted your face upwards just ever so slightly so that your bottom lip was touching his slightly. your eyes widened so much that you felt like they were going to fall out of their sockets.

xiao smirked. "your lips look so delicious, may i kiss them?"

"over my dead body."

your eyes moved to the side to see... xiao???

wait what?

xiao, this time in his normal attire and his normal black with green highlighted hair, pointed his scary spear towards... well, xiao.

the red xiao let go of you, but still kept his arms around your waist, as if trying to threaten green xiao with you. he smirked and leaned his chin on your bare shoulder. "hmp, you're always ruining the fun. at least i'm much more open with my feelings for y/n here~"

for some reason, seeing the normal xiao made you feel like crying. you quickly shoved the other xiao slightly before you ran towards the one in front of you. "xiao...!"

xiao caught you in his embrace as you somewhat made him step back a little with your intense hug. you wrapped your arms around him, the real him. he used his other hand and hugged your waist as he looked down at your tear-filled eyes.

"are you hurt." he asked. his voice was soft and calm, unlike a few seconds ago.

you nodded your head and gripped onto green xiao tightly as you turned your head to face the other xiao, who had his arms folded with a cheeky grin. "well, isn't y/n the loyal one? running straight back to you~"

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now