Chapter 65

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The first thing I notice upon opening my eyes is Alarcos staring at me. The huge grin on his face is as annoying as the intrusion on my, our, privacy.

"Why are you staring at me creepily? Also, have you guys never heard of knocking?" I ask, noticing Seymour standing by the door.

Eliot, who has been sleeping peacefully by my side, jumps up hastily upon hearing my shouting, his eyes searching for danger, trying to protect me.

"We are sorry to startle you, but you were so cute napping together that we didn't have the heart to wake you up," Alarcos says teasingly.

"How long have you been standing there, watching us like a couple of stalkers?" I ask angrily.

The truth is that I am mad at myself for managing to sleep through their intrusion. After all, I allowed two vampires to surprise us. What would have happened to Eliot if it weren't these two idiots entering uninvited but malicious vampires intent on some Healer blood?

"Oh, we've been here for a while," Alarcos says with a wide grin.

"Alarcos, knock it off. You still don't seem to understand how dangerous Helen can be if she loses control. Trust me, you don't want to find out," Seymour warns Alarocs pulling him back.

"Sweetie, you are such a killjoy," Alarcos says, pouting dramatically.

"We talked about this, no pet names," Seymour says sternly, making his darling's pout grow in intensity.

"Not that I don't love these Hallmark moments, but how long have you really been standing there, Seymour?" I ask, trying to control my increasing annoyance.

"We just got here. I knocked, but no one answered, so we got worried that something might have happened and let ourselves in. I am sorry for intruding, but we come bearing news," Seymour says.

"Is it about the other vampires?" Eliot asks, finally awake enough to follow the conversation.

"Yes, we did some reckon, and it seems like the others couldn't care less that we killed the Vampire Council," Seymour says.

"Not even the older vampires?" I ask.

The older vampires were always more traditional. Even I used to prefer following the old ways, so I expected that they would be against us.

"It seems so. I guess even the old ones are tired of someone having control over them," Seymour says.

"Doesn't that mean that all the vampires will start killing whenever they feel like it?" Eliot asks, worrying about humans as well as Healers.

"I don't think so. Anonymity was always crucial for our survival. Only Stanton and idiots like him thought we could do whatever we felt like doing," I say.

"What if there are more idiots like that in the world?" Eliot asks.

"We'll take care of them," Cecilia says, entering the room hand in hand with Tobias.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, looking at me with worry.

"Never been better," I say.

To my surprise, it's the truth.

Though my body is still in pain, I have never felt happier, more alive than I do now.

Even when I was alive, there was always something missing, a spark. Now that I have found it, it feels like I am only starting to live.

"Cecilia, what do you mean by 'we'll take care of them'?" Eliot asks as he is not the one to leave questions unanswered.

"Well, technically speaking, since we are the ones who killed the Vampire Council, it is our moral duty to right any wrongs that might arise from that action, don't you think so?" Cecilia asks.

"Yes, I guess that makes sense," Eliot says.

"What happens now?" Seymour asks the one question I believe is on everyone's mind.

"Now we can all go our separate ways. There is no need for us to band so closely together as the danger for us is minimal," I say, trying to think things through rationally.

"I think it's still better if we don't stray too far away from each other, don't you think so, Helen?" Seymour asks, clearly hurt by my words.

"Yes, of course. What I meant is that we can all get enough privacy from each other. We don't have to live in the same house anymore. Of course, we'll still be friends and hang out," I explain.

"Some privacy would be really nice," Tobias says, winking at Cecilia while she giggles like a schoolgirl.

"Enough, you guys! I am putting a veto on googly eyes and innuendos now that we can afford to do all that in privacy. Besides, you two didn't keep your hands off of each other even under our previous living conditions, so not much will change for you," I say.

They both have enough decency left to lower their gazes in embarrassment while Alarcos and Seymour chuckle quietly.

"I go where you go," Eliot suddenly says.

"Of course you do. I wouldn't have it any other way," I say, forgetting for a moment that we are not alone.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Helen?" Alarcos jokes around.

"I am the same person who will rip your head off if you don't knock it off," I say, staring daggers at him.

"Fair enough," he says, raising his hands up in surrender.

"We should be going before my crazy boyfriend gets himself killed by friendly fire," Seymour says.

"Where are you off to?" I ask.

"I am not sure, but I'll let you know when we get there," Seymour says.

"Thank you...Well, for everything, and don't be strangers," I say.

"We won't. We'll drop by when you least expect us," Alarcos says.

"Alarcos, joking aside, I am sorry for everything and thank you know...saving my life and all that," I say.

"You're welcome," he says as they dash off.

"I know that he has saved my life, but Alarcos sure has some nerve teasing me like that, " I say once Alarcos and Seymour are gone.

"He is just having some fun. It seems to me like he hasn't had any fun or friends for a while," Cecilia says, full of understanding and compassion.

"What about the two of you? What will you do now?" Cecilia asks.

"Well, I guess I need to sort this mess out with my father. Then we can go wherever Helen wants to go," Eliot says, looking at me as if I was the most precious person in the world.

And to my surprise, I rather enjoy it.

"I think we'll head for the mountains once I stock up on blood. Some peace and quiet would do me good, I think. How about you guys?" I ask.

"We thought about staying here for a while, learning about our Healer heritage," Tobias says.

"That sounds like a great idea. If you two get into any trouble, we'll be at my old cottage," I say.

"You haven't used that place in decades," Tobias says.

"Even longer, but I always kept a caretaker, so it's in good condition. Now that we don't have to hide anymore, I think it's the perfect place for me and Eliot to get to know each other," I say.

Eliot gently squeezes my hand in agreement, and I feel like I am floating on air.

I guess this love thing isn't so bad after all.

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