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Li jiran who doesn't know most of his classmates since he was so accustomed with chasing his boyfriend stood infront of xiao zhan.

"Who are you? Insulting us, you must be the slut, and now you want to add some more into your group, we are so sorry because we are more than sluts." Li jiran said sarcastically and smirked, he is not a timid person like xiao zhan, he knows how to stand up for himself, he will never let someone bully him when he is able of standing up for himself. Joseph was even more annoyed, walking closer to li jiran and xiao zhan, Joseph smirked then kicked xiao zhan stomach, making xiao zhan who was not well prepared or expected to be kicked to fall down.

"Slut! You have a new boyfriend but you keep hanging on to your ex, you really disgust me, and you, i am warning you, stay away from Jackson! Jackson was meant to be mine all along!" Joseph shouted while pointing at xiao zhan who was helped to get up with li jiran.

"You! How dare you kick my friend!" Li jiran shouted and slapped Joseph on the face.

"You want to me to leave my boyfriend!"


"Impossible! Jackson is mine!" Li jiran shouted and gave Joseph few more kicks, zhan went to stop li jiran from beating up Joseph, he doesn't like violence, he only kicked him once, li jiran doesn't have to kick Joseph so many times, zhan was about to pull li jiran back when he was forcefully turned around and the necklace on his neck was roughly pulled and the beads were scattered on the floor.

"My necklace!" Zhan shouted while struggling to break free from wang yibo grasp, seeing xiao zhan reaction, yibo pushed xiao zhan away, making xiao zhan to fall on his butt for the second time, zhan looked at the shattered necklace, then at wang yibo who was looking at him in disgust and sighed.

"Yibo, it's not what you think." Zhan who realised what more have happened said, even if he kept the necklace, he never had feelings for Jackson, he really loves wang yibo.

"Betrayers doesn't qualify to call my name, let's break up, i hate liers the most." Yibo answered and walked away, Lisa who was looking from a distance couldn't help but smile in satisfaction, Joseph who was laying down because of getting beaten by Joseph started laughing.

"It feels great right, your so called boyfriend dumped you in public, now everyone knows your just a two timer bitch, you really deserve it!" Joseph said while laughing, zhan was speechless, he is still trying to process what has just happened, his boyfriend just broke up with him, without even waiting for him to explain, zhan took a deep breath and tried to brush his tears away, li jiran came closer to xiao zhan who was still sitting on the floor and patted his shoulder.

"Don't be sad, my cousin must be angry now, he will surely come back to you after he has calmed down, let's go and get you something to eat." Li jiran said and pulled xiao zhan to stand up, zhan suddenly shouted in pain and held his stomach, the light blue trouser that he was wearing was immediately covered in blood.

"My stomach. ..hurts." Zhan whispered and lost consciousness, li jiran tried calling xiao zhan but didn't get any response, no one nearby was willing to help even after seeing xiao zhan condition.

"You monsters! Can't you see my friend has fainted, why are you so heartless? Jackson! Thank God your here, please help me carry xiao zhan to the infirmary!" Li jiran shouted at Jackson, Jackson didn't waste time, he carried xiao zhan with li jiran following closely, the two went to the infirmary and li jiran explained to the nurse what has happened.

"We need to take him to the hospital for proper check up, the ambulance will be here in five minutes." The nurse said and tried to stop the bleeding before xiao zhan could complicate further, making sure intravenous fluids was running, zhan was taken to the hospital for further management. Jackson and li jiran remained behind after the school nurse has left, zhan class teacher arrived later and found xiao zhan was still in the emergency room with the doctors.

The doctor came out minutes later, and call the teacher in his office.

"Your student was around four week pregnant, but then he lost the baby, luckily he is alright, and he will be allowed to go home after few days." The doctor told the teacher who nodded his head in understanding, male pregnancy is normal in this era, so it wasn't something so strange, the teacher went to check on xiao zhan who was resting.

"Hi teacher you came to visit me, did the doctor tell you anything?" Zhan asked his class teacher, the teacher smiled and touched xiao zhan hair.

"It was nothing serious, it's just a normal stomach reaction that's why you fainted, the doctor said you will stay here for few more day's before you will be allowed to go home." The teacher said and stayed longer with xiao zhan. Coming out he found Jackson and li jiran waiting outside.

"Don't tell him anything for now, he will be informed later." The teacher told li jiran and Jackson who nodded there heads in understanding and entered inside xiao zhan room.

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