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Xiao zhan woke up the second day well refreshed, getting ready to school, zhan had his breakfast and took the school bus to school as usual,seeing the school gate, zhan was somehow scared, though wang yibo told him not to worry, but then how could he not worry,  he is sure those people must have hated him to the core now, because of what has happened to Jackson. Zhan got off the bus and decided to head to class when he was immediately stopped by Lisa and her group of girls.

Zhan looked at her once best friend and the other girls and sighed.

"What do you want Lisa?" Zhan asked Lisa who immediately frowned, hearing this faggot calling her beautiful name, made her feel nauseous, this faggot doesn't qualify to call her name, even in his dream he is not to mention the name Lisa!.

"Tell me little faggot? After seducing that handsome guy yesterday?  Did you spread your legs for him after he has helped a faggot like you huh?" One of Lisa's friends asked, zhan was dumbfounded, what kind of question is that. Why are they thinking such extreme things.

"What are you talking about? I really didn't do such a thing, i never seduced anyone, your mistaken." Zhan answered and decided to go to class when he was suddenly pulled back.

"Stop pretending to be so innocent, you think we didn't know you even seduced Lisa's boyfriend Jackson, betraying your own friend, you really are a slut." Another added, zhan who didn't know what to say just kept quite, listening to those girls accusing him with things he hasn't done, Lisa was standing aside while smiling widely seeing xiao zhan getting his own dose, since he knows how enchant handsome guy's, then she is going to make sure this faggot will not have a peaceful day at school, as for that handsome boy wang yibo, she is going to make sure that he belongs only to her. Handsome guys, deserves beautiful girls.

Lisa daydreaming came to an end when the girls who were surrounding xiao zhan were hardly smacked on their heads, including Lisa herself, zhan was pulled closer to wang yibo and the group of girls who has moved aside were now looking at wang yibo with teary eyes, getting smacked on their heads really hurts. Yibo lifted xiao zhan chin and then pinched xiao zhan pointy nose.

"You look cute today, and getting surrounded with these demons with fats on their chest, you will surely suffocate to death." Yibo said and stroked zhan hair, making xiao zhan hair messy, zhan who was sad, his sadness dispersed and was now smiling and blinking his eyes while looking at wang yibo. Yibo who was still wrapping his hand around xiao zhan waist looked at Lisa, then suddenly her long hair and forcefully pulled him towards him, but not that close.

"One thing i really hate is people not listening to my words and trying to ignore my words and intentionally do what i told you not to, you think your so beautiful and you can use other's to play your tricky games? You might catch someone as foolish as that useless boyfriend, but as for me, you really got a wrong number." Yibo said sarcastically and since he rarely hit girls, he only pushed the girl away, but it looks like the girl was so light that she staggered and hit the wall, and surprisingly the girl fainted, zhan hide his face on wang yibos chest when Lisa was about to hit the wall.

The girls who came with Lisa walked away immediately, and no one dared to help the unconscious Lisa, yibo ignored everyone and went to class with xiao zhan like he did nothing.

Days passed, weeks passed and wang dealt with those bullies from the school, within a month, wang yibo was known in the whole school and was feared by many, the teachers were no longer worried of loosing their jobs because they reprimanded a certain student, as for xiao zhan, no one dared to touch him or approach him, xiao zhan days at school was peaceful, he was always seen whenever wang yibo goes, the two were inseparable.

Today's class, they were given a task to complete over the weekend, and the students were paired in three, another new student who was a girl got paired with xiao zhan and wang yibo, the three discussed and came to conclusion where they will meet.

"Xiao zhan give me your phone number, i will call you tommorow." The girl whose name was Yanli said, zhan didn't hesitate, getting one of his exercise books, zhan was about to write his phone number when the book and pen he was holding were snatched away by wang yibo who was frowning.

"Zhan you come with me." Yibo said and dragged the speechless xiao zhan away, Yanli who was surprised with what has happened just shrugged her shoulders, she only asked xiao zhan number so that they could communicate when it comes to the assignment they were given, since she found xiao zhan is easily approachable compared to the poker faced wang yibo.

"Your really going to give your number to that stranger? What if she is interested in you?" Yibo asked while gritting his teeth in anger, zhan was surprised, wang yibo speaking like this like they were in a relationship when they're actually only friends.

"But I am gay, i don't like girls, you don't worry, i only like boy's." Zhan answered and smiled, but his smile froze when he got pinned on the wall by wang yibo.

"What do you mean about liking men? So when any boy approaches you, you will immediately accept them huh?" Zhan looked at wang yibo and shook his head.

"Why do you look so angry? I only mean my sexual preference nothing else." Zhan answered.

"I only care about you, i don't want you to make silly mistakes, your my friend so i have to be extra careful. And that means you not giving out your phone number." Yibo said and released xiao zhan, before he dragged him back to class.

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