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Zhan reassured the worried and the two went class, since they were senior students, they had lessons the first day they went to school, their physics teacher was the first person to come to class, zhan took out his physics book, wrote the date and the heading then slept off! Wang yibo who was listening to the teacher's lecture didn't realise that xiao zhan was actually sleeping when the teacher was teaching! The teacher who looked towards xiao zhan direction and saw him sleeping, he immediately frowned.

"Yibo wake up your desk mate." The teacher said, yibo looked at the sleeping xiao zhan and was confused, zhan slept early last night, and there's no way xiao zhan could be feeling sleepy now, that's impossible, this is so unlike xiao zhan. Yibo patted xiao zhan shoulder to wake him up, but xiao zhan pushed wang yibo hand away and continued to sleep, the teacher who got angry and walked closer towards wang yibo and xiao zhan desk, patted zhan shoulder continously making the asleep xiao zhan to get annoyed.

"Will you stop disturbing me when I am sleeping! Your really annoying." Zhan shouted making the teacher and the whole class to be dumbfounded, yibo lips twitched, he immediately smacked xiao zhan head making xiao zhan to be fully awake. Zhan looked at the teacher who was looking at him and the whole class who were looking at him weirdly.

"Teacher, do you need something?" Zhan asked the teacher who became even more annoyed, being disrespectful and now pretending not to know what he has done.

"You get out of my class Mr xiao zhan! Now!" The teacher shouted making xiao zhan to feel so wronged, what has he done for him to be kicked out?.

"What have i done teacher? Why are you kicking me out?" Zhan asked, yibo got up from where he was sitted and looked at xiao zhan then back to the teacher who was about to breath out fire.

"Teacher, i will take him out, I am sorry on his behalf, it will not happen again." Yibo said and pulled the still confused xiao zhan who is sure he hasn't done anything to annoy the teacher.

"Not only going out, go to the principals office now!" Yibo dragged the struggling xiao zhan out of the class.

"Why did you drag me out? I did nothing wrong!" Zhan started talking when they have arrived outside the class, leaving the students murmuring among themselves.

"Are you crazy, possessed or an idiot? What's wrong with you? Sleeping in class, and speaking anyhowly, are you in your right senses?" Yibo asked xiao zhan.

"I was only feeling tired, i tried staying awake but i couldn't, if your also here to preach to me, then go away." Zhan answered and tried to free himself from wang yibo grasp.

"Watch your mouth, else it will get you in trouble!" Yibo warned but hissed in pain and he immediately released xiao zhan when xiao zhan bite his hand.

"I don't need your preaching, you go warn someone else not me!" Zhan shouted and walked away leaving wang yibo whose anger was rising, yibo looked at the teeth marks on his hand and gritted his teeth in anger, that annoying brat has really gone too far, zhan knocked at the principals office, entered inside and couldn't help but cry.

"Sir everyone decided to bully me just because i was feeling tired and i fell asleep, the teacher kicked me out, and even wang yibo started to threaten me, all of them bullied me!" Zhan said while crying, the principal who was a middle aged man was confused with xiao zhan behaviour, he has no idea what has happened.

"How about having a glass water, calm down, then talk later." The principal gave xiao zhan a glass of cold water and a piece of tissue paper to wipe his tears away, zhan thanked the principal and wiped his tears away after drinking the glass of water.

"Principal can i have a glass of milk, bread with butter and some eggs too, i feel hungry." Zhan said while rubbing his stomach which immediately grumbled, the principal looked at the student infront of him, and guessed he must have not eaten in the morning, making a phone call, the principal ordered what zhan has said, minutes later, the principals office was knocked and the things he asked for was brought over, zhan got up from where he was seated, took the tray of food and looked at the principal.

"Thank you principal. Your so nice tome." Zhan added happily and left the principals office with a wide smile, leaving the person who came with the food and the principal dumbfounded, what is happening?.

Zhan found a good shade behind the school and sat down, washing his hands with a nearby tap water, zhan ate his food while smiling, eating to his satisfaction, zhan fell asleep again under the tree, not knowing that people were looking for him all over the school.

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