Chapter Six

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Aglaesha was walking through the castle woods when she spotted two figures that caused her heart to leap. She had not intended to return so soon; the Diamond House would always be more of a home to her than the castle. Still, she suspected her father would be out of sorts - he always was when Lorrie ventured from the Isle. Aglaesha feebly hoped his worry was the reason he'd tried to convince her to abandon the prince. Even if Nathair was adamant she discard her betrothal when she returned, she knew the fear that shadowed his heart. It did not give her joy to see her brother leave Maidora. The Ruby city was said to be a single rose in a bush of thorns. All kinds dwelled in Caspleigh's capital city. From pirates to Enigmas to foreign royalty. To imagine Lorenzo surrounded by such filth... it sickened her. She doubted the swordsmen training him had a clean and honourable past. One day they shall realize he is worth something to Maidora. They will see not a young lord, but a beloved warrior. What shall become of my sweet brother, then?

She had been so distracted by her brother's departure, that she very well set Zoysia's white robes alight. After that, she and her friends decided she was not focused enough to practice fire summoning. She knew they were right, but it was still dreadful to leave the Diamond House for the castle. Alone again, she thought miserably as she took her purple robe off and tucked it under an arm. Once again, she was Lady Aglaesha of the House Patrifice. She was dressed in a green dress and her white gold hair tumbled loosely down her back. It was odd to stride through the city at night. Even more strange to walk through the dark wooded space at the foot of the castle walls.

A thin veil of shimmering mist hung in the air, heavy with enchantment. It filled her lungs and made them ache, almost as if the air had weight to it. The mist had a green tint and coiled around the trees like thick serpents. Weak moonlight filtered through the thick canopy and the mist sparkled like emeralds. Aglaesha's skin prickled and her magic was buzzing beneath her skin. The mist had to be an enchantment of some kind. What Mage practices spells in the woods at night? Magic was nothing to hide in Maidora. Mages had always been praised throughout the Isle; those gifted with magic were said to be 'kissed by the gods'. Aglaesha had been raised to know she was special. In that, her father had been terrific. Nathair had taught her that her magic was incredible, that she was incredible. She had been brought up like a princess; her father encouraged her to practice magic, helped her with her spell books and finding her Charm. Magic was the one thing that brought Aglaesha and Nathair together. She planned to do some magic for him that night, in hope to soothe his nerves.

She was nearing the edge of the eerie woods, when a voice called to her. It was strained and worried and no doubt Brilyn Cstorm's. She stopped in her tracks and spun around. Tears burned at the back of her eyes as she looked upon the pair. Small Brilyn had the prince leaning on him and both looked horribly weary. Aglaesha's heart rose to her mouth. She ran toward them, tears streaking her cheeks. The Mage collided with them and sent them crashing to the ground. Her arms were locked around them both and Bri was chuckling weakly. She kissed them both on the cheek, too overwhelmed with joy to care for the crude gesture. She held them like a vice, intending to never release them. She would have kissed them all over, but she supposed the action was too drastic. Still, she kissed them both on the cheek again, tears pouring from her eyes.

"It's good to see you Milady," Brilyn smiled warmly. She laughed tearfully.

"I have missed you both more than anything."

She slowly rose to her feet, carefully loosening her grip on the two young men. Brilyn staggered to his feet unevenly and helped Conlaed up. She turned to the prince, suddenly noticing his bare chest, bare feet and ripped trousers. His left cheek was bruised, and his skin was pale and waxy. Aglaesha rushed to him, ignoring the tension in the air that was thick as the enchanted mist. Her fingers brushed over his cheek lightly, felt his forehead. Her eyes narrowed as she spied a tattoo upon his chest. It was the bear of his House, except chains wound around it. Without realizing what she was doing, her palm flattened over the tattoo. She could feel his heart racing. Aglaesha's voice was unsteady as she asked, "What happened, Con?"

Honour or Reason - Book 1# in the Burning Prince ChroniclesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora