I know....he pulled me into his chest and hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him back and tried to hold my compulsor.

Here bud.! Some guy said coming out the cabin throwing the keys at Martavion. He than got in a car and drove off.

Yoo wake up.! He said opening the door waking Malachi up. He walked around to the back and grabbed his bags. We followed him into the cabin. He grabbed the bag off the table.

Bro you downstairs on the right. Food in the fridge. He said as he began to walk up the stairs. "You coming.?!" He asked me as I stood there. I nodded my head and followed him to the bedroom upstairs. He sat the bags on the floor and started the fire in the fireplace. I sat next to him on the floor.

Are you okay.? I asked not wondering if I really should have just asked that.

Yeah baby I'm fine. How are you?

I'm okay....

How's the kids.?

They are great. Majesty loved her birthday present and is using literally everything in that box for her class. Which I went to go pay for and it was already for, for the year in full.!

I just wanted to make sure she had a good birthday.

How'd you know.?

Mag even though I'm not there I'm there.!

I appreciate it.! That ment a lot to her.

I know. He wrapped his arm around me and I hugged him.

Ima get in the shower really quick. You hungry.?


You didn't eat all day and we didn't stop for anything I know your hungry.

I actually don't feel good.! He smiled and started laughing. "Shut the fuck up it's not that.!" I said annoyed.

Yeah Ight.! He said grabbing his bag. He went into the bathroom closing the door to shower. I got up and went to the bed. I took my stuff to get comfortable and lay down. I just wanted to go to sleep.

I woke up to soft kisses on my neck. I turned over and Martavion was next to me. I smiled and he kissed me. "I didn't mean to wake you.!" He said pushing the hair out my face.

It's okay....I said as I kissed him. He grabbed the side of my face to deepen our kiss. He didn't waist no time pleasuring me. I rode him until he nutted. This time the sex felt like love and neither one of us was stopping.

After we was done I got up to shower. He didn't wanna leave me so he came and joined me. He looked at me admiring all off me making me blush.

We got out the shower and I put on his t-shirt. He looked out the window with a wondering mind. "I'm not leaving you.!" I said hugging his waist.

Mag you can't stay here with me either.! This shit way to dangerous.

But it's not dangerous for you.?

It is.! If I get caught.! It's over I'm really am going to be dead.! I'm not risking your life for any of this.! I'm trying to protect you from this shit and keep you away from it all. I'm risking so much by just letting you even be here.

Don't tell me what your letting me do....I'm here because I want to be here. I'm here because I want to protect you. I'm here because I love you.! And Your not leaving again with out me.! I yelled back sitting on the bed. He huffed his breath and walked to the bathroom. I got up but almost tripped over his bag. A piece of purple paper fell out. It had a heart on it. I opened it.....

           -Tavion I made you some food to go. I hope this won't be our last time seeing each other. But if it is I understand. Thanks for last night.
                     -XoXoXo Tonya.!

The bathroom door opened and both our eyes met. I dropped the paper and ran down the stairs as tears filled my eyes.

It's not what you think Magic I swear to god.!

It's not.? That's why you don't want me to go on a run with you.!? I fuckin hate you.! I screamed pushing him away from me.

Magic please believe me I wouldn't cheat on you again and especially not now.!

That note says a lot.! It gotta mean something to you. Your carrying it around.

No it doesn't mean shit to me.!

What's going on.? Malachi asked breaking us up.

Ask him.! I yelled. I went back upstairs and slammed the door. I wanted to get the fuck out of here. He has time to go on the run and fuck with another bitch. Yup cool makes sense.! You don't want me to go on the run with you because your fucking off. I wish this nigga was dead.!

Magic I'm not cheating on you.! He yelled through the door. "Baby please I swear I'm not.!  Don't do this to me I don't need this right now.!"

I layed in bed crying my eyes out. How do a person break someone's heart I we and over again with no fucks in the world. Like how.? I only ever gave this man love.

Can you please talk to me.?! Martavion asked finally getting in the room. "Dude stop crying.!" "Every time you cry you make this shit 10 times harder for me to deal with.!" "But I am not cheating on you.! And I didn't cheat on you.!"

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