Chapter 52

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Our honey moon was coming to an end quick. We finished it off with the most romantic dinner on the beach under the sun set. Than a late night movie on the highest part of the woods with a camp fire. My honey moon was everything I wanted and needed plus more. My man was nothing short of amazing. When we got back to our cabin the guys for the massages was there for us and I got a massage.

We pretty much stayed up all night because we had an early flight. We talked about how we was missing Majesty so much. I couldn't wait to hold my snuggles.

Martavion laid with his hand on my stomach talking to the poppy seed that was growing in my Uterus. "Daddy gone teach you to play football and basketball you gone be a star watch.! And if you a girl just prepare to be a dike cause I'ma get my son.!" He said so serious making me buss out laughing.

I just want you to know your fucking annoying.! I laughed.

It's gone be annoying having three ladies in the house I need me a son hell naw. I got my princess already. I just need my son.

Well the sex is all on you so you better keep wishing baby.! I got up and grabbed my phone. It was getting closer and closer for us to leave. He helped me up and got out stuff to the Uber that was outside. We virtually checked out our cabin and got in the car. I was so ready to be back home.! Bella was already texting me saying what time she was going to be at the house.

We bored our plane and I felt sick already. I shouldn't of ate that pop tart now I feel crazy. They way I kept feeling so sick for these past couple of months I know it had to be a boy because Majesty didn't do me like this bad.!

Our flight was landing at home and I was so happy to back. Lani texted and said she was pulling up the baggage claim. I was so excited to see my baby. Martavion grabbed our carry on bags and I grabbed my purse so we could get off. Once we reached the exit walking into the airport there was so many police officers and FBI agents standing at our gate.

Mr Jackson.? One officer asked grabbing Martavions arm.

Yo what the fuck.? He questioned as another officer grabbed his other arm. They forced him to the ground and started cuffing him.

What the fuck is going on.?! I questioned but another officer just pushed me back.

Martavion Jackson your under arrest for the kidnapping and killing of Bianca Jones.! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You do have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. The officer said. To him as they pulled him up from the ground.

What.?! I questioned confused as hell and pissed off.

Baby call the lawyers tell them what happened. He said sternly giving me a look. I nodded my head and picked our bags up as they took him away.

Mrs Jackson you need to come with us.! Another officer said pulling me with him.

For what.?! Am I under arrest.?

No but we need you for questioning.! He said helping me with the bags.

I can meet you at the station. I said walking away from them. I was so pissed off right now. I went down to the baggage claim area and grabbed our suit cases. Lani helped me when she seen me coming.!

Where's Tavion.? She asked closing the trunk. I got in the car and I started balling my eyes out. She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Magic what's wrong.?!" She asked so concerned.

The feds just picked him up as we getting off the plane. I said through my tears.

What the fuck.? That's why this shit was blocked off.?! What the fucking fuck for what.?! 

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