Chapter 23

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You okay.? Lani asked me as she got next to me in my bed.

No I don't think I'm ever going to be okay Lani. Martavion is all I know. He's all I ever wanted. I'm not really ready to say good bye to all of that. We been through some shit with each other. But it was so easy for him to walk out that door like he didn't hear me talking to him like he didn't see me in his face.

Like he said Mag that shit made him feel less of a man. And the type of man Martavion is we all can see why. He's been protecting, providing, and loving the hell out of you since he laid eyes on you.! And we all know Martavion doesn't fuck up and the first time he does you serve him with divorce papers. This isn't a game and he know you was serious you get one chance with you and one chance only. He know he blew it.

When I got home that night I was ready to give him another chance I was ready to put all that behind us and have my family back. Even after I seen that text message from her I was still ready to find some way to work it out. But we get to a club and all they fuckin asses in there getting dances and Shit like what the fuck am I suppose to think.?

Yeah I definitely thought they was up to some shit too that's why I broke that damn girl nose. Shid messss with my man I should of kilt her ass. But they was waiting for a meeting.

Even though that's still no excuse.

Yeah and you seen him ignore the fuck out that girl when she was up there dancing and Shit trying to get his attention.

That's true....I just don't know what to do anymore.....

Get some rest we got an early flight.! In the morning you could use the vacation bad. Let's get the fuck out of here go enjoy ourselves in Vegas for a few days and not think about nun of this.

I guess.! I turned over and stared out the windows as the night time sky was lit up beautifully.


I woke up to my alarm going off. Lani was already woke and up getting herself together. I got up and went to the bathroom. I reached over under the cabinet and grabbed the pregnancy test that was hidden under some towels. I wanted to take one because I hadn't had a period in so long. I know I was under a lot of stress and that could cause it not to come.  I opened the box and took it quickly putting the cap on it and sitting it down. A hard knock filled the door and it scared me making me jump. I got up wiping myself and opening the door.

Girl what is you doing in here.? Hurry up before we miss our flight. Lani said rolling her eyes and bussing into the bathroom.

Can you relax.! I said moving out the way. I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste to brush my teeth and than wash my face. I took another quick shower than got out to start getting ready. I put on a gray A'different Vibe sweat suit and my black night. Black and gray and university gold Jordan 9's. I put on a chain and some earrings and did my make up real quick. I was looking good as fuck.!

Car is here.! Lani said leaning into the closet.

Here I come.! I said glossing my lips I grabbed my Louis Vuitton purse and suit case to leave out. I made sure I had all my things I needed in my purse as I reached my kitchen before walking out the apartment. I went and kissed my sleeping kids bye and told mama Jackson bye and met Lani downstairs.

I definitely needed a vacation after everything that's been happening to me and around me. I'm hoping I can have a clear mind when I come back.

Hi Avery.! I waved getting in the car. Avery was me and Lani friend. We met her like a year ago when she came into Lani's boutique I need of an outfit. Some how some way we all ended up running our mouths to each other. Than comes to find out she was D, martavion and them friend girlfriend. We all just became really good friends since then.

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