Chapter 67

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I woke up to the smallest and cutest little cries ever. I sat up and Martavion had our daughter in his arms. She was so tiny.! He smiled at me once he noticed I was up. He came and sat next to me. I took her from him and tried to get her to latch on my nipples so I could feed her.

How you feel.? He asked assisting me.

I'm okay.! How are you.?

I'm ight.! I was worried about you there. How long was your water broken for.?

For almost 4 hours..... I didn't wanna say anything to anybody because my main focus was you.!

I told you I wasn't missing her birth.! I would of found away out that shit..he kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him.
"Thank you Magic.! I don't know what I would do without you.!"

I don't know what I would do without you either. We came a very long way with each other....I'll give everything up in this world if it means saving you again.!

I'm going to get everything we built back I promise.

I don't want it....I just want you baby.!

You got me forever.! He kissed me and layed back beside me. Ma baby let go and I burped her tiny self. She fell right to sleep. Martavion layed there falling asleep too. I had both my babies and they both was okay. Even though Martavion looked crazy with black eyes, busted lips and a face full of bruises. I knew he was okay.

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