Chapter 19

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Hi Mag.! Corey said coming into the kitchen. I swear everyday I didn't like him more and more. He just gave me creep vibes and at this point I was over it.

I nodded my head and went up to my room my phone was ringing back to back and it was Lani. The hell she wanted? "Hello.?!" I answered taking a bite of my pop tart.

Magic, Martavion got shot he's at Erie County Hospital.! He's in critical condition.! She cried.

Stop playing in my face Lani.! I said laughing it off.

Mag I'm not playing he's in critical condition.! She cried harder. I couldn't believe it....I dropped my food in disbelief. My heart started racing beating fast as fuck. I put on a t shirt and some sweats and my uggs and grabbed my keys. I didn't care that it was snow on the ground. I ran out the house fast as fuck. I got in my truck speeding.

Come on.! Come on.! Hurry the fuck up.! I screamed at the light as if it could hear me. I could feel my throat swelling up and my eyes boldging about to pop out my head. Tears formed in my eyes as I parked my truck jumping out. I ran into the hospital emergency room.

I'm here for Martavion Jackson.! I said out of breath.

And you are.?! She asked annoyed.

My name is Magic I'm his girlfriend.

I'm sorry we're only letting family back there at this time.

No, no.! I screamed through my tears. I felt every emotion coming out at once.

Magic.! She's family.! I heard Malike one of his twin brothers say. He held my hand leading me to the back. When I got to the room it was like my feet wouldn't move past the door way. All his family was here. "

If he needs to hear anybody voice right now Mag it's yours.!" Malachi the other twin said.

I walked into the room and his body layed lifeless in the bed. He had a tube down his throat and on oxygen. He had two patches on him. One on his upper left chest and the other on his lower right side. My tears wouldn't stop coming down. I was so angry at him and myself.

I don't know what to say....we haven't spoke to each other in almost a month....(I touched his hand and I didn't get a reaction back) how did I let my anger get the best of me.? You could be gone and the last memory we have of each other is us hating each other and fighting. Martavion I love you.! And I can't say it enough. I love you so much please don't let go.! Fight for me please. I'll fight for you. Your strong, can't nobody take you out.! Member that's what you told me the first time. ( I laughed to myself.) you sworn up and down you where've always been my Superman.! I love you so much.! You have to come back to me! I remember I first fell in love with you. It was 8th grade.....and you kept asking me what I was looking at.! I was looking at you and admiring the young man you was becoming. I thought you was so cute! (I laughed) I was scared to tell you I liked you so I played it cool over the years. I always had thoughts of us being together......I had thoughts of us getting married and having a family. I thought of us going to college together.....I thought about us.....! All I ever wanted was you. I was so scared to become your girlfriend and I don't know why. You made me nervous to be around you. You made me so happy and made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the whole world. You made me feel something special. The way you talk send shivers down my spine. (I sat beside him on the bed holding his hands as my tears came down as I talked.) you give me butterflies when I come around you, when I see you.! Your kisses are like soft butter, your touch was so firm but calming. I loved everything about it. I felt like it as only me and you in the world. Like we was the only two that mattered. I want to thank you for all the love and support you gave me over the years. I want to tell you that I appreciate you.! I want you to know that I'm in love with you baby and I'm sorry.! I cried kissing his cheek. His body was cold and I felt empty inside. I feel like I was having an outter body experience.


I stayed with Martavion day in and day out. I only left to go home and change and I came right back. He was breathing on his own now and all we was doing was waiting for him to wake up. I layed my head next to his hand and tried to go to sleep. I kept crying with my over emotional ass.

I felt fingers in my hair and on the back of my neck I jumped up and Martavion was looking down on me. I stood up and he smiled. "Hi.!" I smiled crying as he gave a smile back. He grabbed my hand and I held on to him tight.!

Thank you.! He smiled bringing my hands to his lips and kissing him.

I....I....I love you.! I cried.

I know.! I love you to Mag.! He smiled. His nurse came in to take his vitals and she was shock that he was woke. I stepped to the side so her and some other nurses could do what they had to but he just pulled me closer to him. The nurse gave him some water and helped him sit up. After a while they left the room closing the door back.

Do you want me to call your family.?

No come here.! I got in the bed with him and he layed my head on his chest and held me. I held on to him so tight and cried.

I thought you was gonna leave me.!

We didn't say goodbye to each God got other plans for me.! He said so calmly.

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