Chapter 4

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After Magic fell asleep I left the apartment. My mind was racing every where. I don't know what the fuck I could do to make this any better. I fucked up and I fucked up bad this time....

I pulled off heading to the trap. I couldn't sleep so business it was. I rolled up before going in and sat in my car getting high. I can't believe I did this shit:! I come across bitches all day every day cute bitches, thick bitches, nasty ass throat baby bitches. And never gave any of these hoes the chance or time of day to even fuck with any of them.

I never wanted anybody besides Magic and that's the honest truth. I just remember being horny as hell and Audre was looking kinda cute that's why she was getting fucked cause my baby was out of town. See how one mistake can cost you your whole life.?!

I got out the car and went into the trap. It was a quiet night. It's always quiet at night in here that's why I liked the night crew. I went up
To my office and the door was open with my surprise a visitor. Audre sat on my couch. I went into my office slowly looking at her.

Your alive.?! She questioned relieved.

Yeah my family is too.! I said licking my lips pissed off. I leaned back against my desk looking at her.

I am sooooooo sorry Tavion.! I just wanted to scare you a bit I literally had no idea the kids was in there I thought you lived there alone.! Or your wife.....

The damage is already done and I told her everything it's taking everything in me not to kill you right here right now and snap yo neck right where you stand.

Tavion please look I didn't mean things to go this far.!

You shot up my fuckin house.! Give me one good reason and I mean one.! To not kill you right here right now.

Because I'm in love with you.! I've always been in love with you from the first day I met you baby it's suppose to be us.! I sell drugs you the plug ain't no better couple than us.... she began to cry.

You think so.? A female voice said over her shoulders. We both looked up and Magic was standing in the door way with her arms folded.

Look I didn't.....

Mrs Jackson, MRS JACKSON...... carry on.! She said sternly coming into the room taking her gun from her hip.

Your his wife aren't you.?! Aubre asked wiping her tears.

Your not a dumb bitch after all are you.? She said with a smirk on her face. Magic came and stood next to me folding her arms. "Continue what you was saying Aubre" she added licking her lips. My heart was beating in my ass.

Look Mrs Jackson with all due respect I didn't know you or your kids was in the house. It was just to scare Tavion and shake things up a bit. I am soooo sorry.! But I'm in love with him.

Would you die for him.? Magic asked bluntly standing straight up.

If that's what it takes yeah.....I'm sorry I feel in love with him, I love your husband.! She said through her tears. The more she said it the more the hurt showed in Magic's eyes.

Do you love her.? Magic asked me with all seriousness in her voice.

Baby no and I'm not in love with her, I don't love her, all it was, was just sex and business baby that's it.!

How can you say that.? All the time we spent together.

What time.? All we did was FUCK a few times.!

We did but it was love there!. She cried wiping her tears.

You'll die for him right.?! Magic asked again.

A million times yes.! Aubre said sniffling.

I'm his wife and you might as well be my side bitch.! You wanna be with him be with him business is ran through me. Half this is mine and I am the rightful owner of it.

Magic what are you saying? I asked confused.

Ain't no bitch going off of air obviously it was more than just sex.!

Baby no it wasn't I don't want this bitch.!

You wasn't saying that when you was fuckin her.! I need a new runner for this new little territory. You work for Loco and I want 56th ave.

He'll never give that up.! Your gonna start a war.

You gotta be a strong bitch to fall in love with a married man you'll fall right in line with the soldiers. I want all his routes and his connects for 56th your gonna get it you have 32 hours.

I can't get that.! Tavion.!

Baby what are you doing?

The clock is ticking, tick tok.! Magic smirked sitting back in my chair putting her feet up.

Tavion I can not do that.! Why are you letting her do this.!?

Since you wanna whine and cry you have 24hours.! Magic said smiling standing up and walking out.!

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