Third Year [1]

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Pat Stepmother hated his destiny. Destined to be the evil stepmother, or stepfather in this case, to the next Cinderella wasn't a fun destiny and didn't get him a lot of friends.

Luckily he did have a few friends, most were children of villains as well so they understood. His best friend was Bryan Hood, the son of Red Riding Hood. Bryan was fun to be around and despite always wearing his red hood and being kinda secretive, he was quite flamboyant and acted confident in private. 

His other friends were also kind of confident. There was Jon Hatter, son of of the Mad Hatter. Like his father and home, he was crazy and also a lot of fun to hang out with. Jon was definitely confident in himself and never cared what anyone else thought about him or how he acted.

Mitch Stiltskin, the son of Rumplestilskin, was another one of Pat's confident friends. He often made deals and didn't tell people his name. Despite this, Mitch wasn't super interested in following his destiny. He didn't really want to try and steal a kid from a desperate girl turned queen.

Pat's last friend was Mario Wolf, the son of the Big Bad Wolf. Mario wasn't as confident as the others, but he didn't show his insecurities often. And despite being the villain in Bryan's story, him and Bryan got along very well.

Pat walked into school for his third year, the year he would sign the Storybook of Legends. Bryan was walking next to him, quiet among the many people.

Pat and Bryan walked in to their high school, people backing away quickly as the two walked through. Bryan wasn't really a villian kid or evil or anything like that, but because of him hanging out with Pat and the others, and the fact that he wasn't super friendly or outgoing with new people, he wasn't very popular.

Pat was the one most of the people were shying away from. After all, no one wants to be near a villain. Even if his destiny wasn't as evil as the Evil Queen or the Evil Fairy, he was still going to be a villain and villains are evil by definition.


"This is going to be the worst year ever!" Pat said, sitting at his desk in the empty classroom of General Villainy with his head and arms restingon the desk. The only other person in the class was Mitch.

"I get what you mean. We have to sign our lives away and become villains for real. You'll have to abuse your stepson while I have to try and trick a girl into giving me her baby that I don't want." Mitch said, laying on top of his desk with his head leaning back and his feat in the air.

"Exactly. I don't understand how so many people are okay with just following an evil destiny!" Pat said, sitting up.

"What I don't understand is how people are okay with fulfilling a destiny for a story that's been told a thousand times." Mitch said, moving so he was now sitting up on his desk, his feet resting on his chair.

Pat nodded in agreement as the bell started to ring. Mitch groaned and sat in his chair correctly, though he pit his legs up on the desk. The teacher didn't say anything, since this was a villain class and breaking the rules was expected.

Pat gave a small groan as the teacher began talking. Like always, he hated this class. At least most classes he had weren't all that bad, and he could eat lunch with his friends. Pat wasn't really paying attention, though he pretended he was.

This year was going to be awful.

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