Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning


My eyes open to the sound of my phone buzzing on the kitchen table, far from my spot on the couch. I groan as I roll over, looking at the clock on the wall. I've been asleep for three hours but it might as well have been three minutes. Pulling myself off the couch, I let the blanket fall to the floor and walk over to the kitchen table. I pick my phone up to see Meredith calling me. I scrunch my brow in confusion as I answer it.

"Hello?" I croak, quickly clearing my throat to try again but she speaks quickly.

"Audrey, listen to me. Izzie is here at the hospital." She races through her words and suddenly, I don't feel tired anymore.

"What? Is she okay? What happened?" I ask her desperately, already running to the front door to grab my coat.

"She's fine. She came in with an old teacher of hers who needs a consult with Derek." She explains and my movements slow to a stop, nearly dropping my coat on the floor.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask her, none of her previous words making sense in my hungover brain.

"Look, she won't tell Alex that she's here and I can't find him anywhere, can you come in?" She asks me and I sigh, pulling my coat over my shoulders in annoyance. Izzie has been gone without a single word for weeks and now she's back, also without a word to any of us.

"I'm on my way," I mutter, hanging up the phone. I'm going to beat Izzie's ass.


It was only as I walked through the front door of the hospital did I realize I didn't change out of my sweater and sweatpants. I could've at least put on some jeans but the urgency of that phonecall threw me off and now I'm standing in my place of work looking as bad as I feel. At least I had the decency to take a shower. I zip my coat up in an attempt to conceal the mess underneath as I speed walk through the lobby.

On the way over I got a text from Meredith saying that she and Izzie were in the clinic so that's where I'm headed. I'm waiting for the elevator when I hear a voice behind me.

"Audrey?" Callie asks and I turn to face her, mortified. "Hey, I didn't think I'd see you at work today."

"Oh, I'm not h... I mean, uh, I'm not working." I stutter, embarrassed that one of my mentors and friends is seeing me in this state. The elevator dings open and I walk in, thankful for it being empty. Callie follows me inside and I try to conceal my cringe.

"Got it. Last night was probably bad for everyone." She groans, seemly embarrassed herself and I frown in confusion.

"Wh-wait why?" I ask her and she looks over at me, clear shock on her face.

"You don't remember? Arizona's patient died so the party just became a bummer." She explains and my eyes widen as she unlocks a memory I didn't have before now. I don't remember how I got the information or in what context, but I remember crying about the death of Wallace.

"Oh, my god," I mutter to myself sadly and she nods in agreement.

"Well, maybe it wasn't such a bummer for you." She smirks and my eyes widen at her comment.


"I have to say though, I was not expecting that. I mean, good for you, he's hot, but I wouldn't have guessed it." She rambles like a schoolgirl as I stand in my sweats with a damp head of hair, lost beyond all belief.

"Callie, what are you talking about?" I ask her in utter confusion.

"You and Jackson." She says like it's the most obvious thing in the world and my jaw goes slack, practically dropping open like a cartoon character.

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