Mission 37: HQ and Interrogation

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I was surprised at how easy it was to escape, but then again it seemed Toga had already cleared the way of cannon fodder on her way to free me. I was kinda bothered by how little Eri reacted to the bodies and blood scattered and splatted everywhere.

As I carried her in my arms I noticed that her hands were bandaged pretty heavily. I made a mental note to ask Toga about it later, I didn't want to possibly bring up a traumatic memory. Considering who Toga worked for and with, I'm sure torture was involved.

 I didn't understand why would they torture Eri?  AFO is cruel sure, but he doesn't do things without reason. To control Toga? I doubt it, she was loyal to him years ago. If anything from what I can tell, hurting Eri is what made her turn on him.

If he didn't get anything from torturing her then why do it? Suddenly I remembered my own time in his clutches. Dr.Malo was torturing me, but was also experimenting with quirks. Then maybe her injuries have to do with her quirk.

I decided these were questions for later, now I was more concerned about what to do next. Once we were in the clear, I contacted HQ via a headset I crafted. I informed them of my escape and that I had two people with me.

Soon enough, we were picked up by a helicopter belonging to parabellum. A few hours later, we were off-loaded at HQ. I made my way into my old room, and had a nearby soldier send a message to my father, Commander Midoriya, for him to come see me directly. 

After about an hour my adoptive father walked into my room, he raised an eyebrow seeing two extra people in my room. I had everyone who had seen both Eri and Toga, keep their mouths shut by telling them that there presence is classified.

Hisashi:" Son, what is going on? Why wasn't I informed about them?"

"Its a long story dad, so take a seat. So first things first, the blond girl here is Himiko Toga.... Shes....Eri's mother. And this..." I said as I motioned to Eri who was sleeping on my bed at this point. Probably tired from all the travelling we did. 

"Is Eri..... a girl I..... we saved from AFO.... and umm..... she's...." I stammered out not sure how to tell him I was a father now.

Hisashi:" It's not like you to stammer like this. Just spit it out already."

Toga:" What Izu-baby here is trying to say is that you're her gramps."

I facepalmed at Toga sudden outburst, you see there was this side of Hisashi Midoriya that very few knew of. In fact to this date I only knew of two others besides myself, those being my teammate Lily and her father Jean. That knew of this side of him.

I watched as he turned his head towards me, I could swear I heard his neck creaking like it was a rusty hinge on a door.

Hisashi:".............Grandpa?...me? that means....you... grandbaby? Grandbaby?! I HAVE A GRANDBABY?!" were the last words he shouted before he fainted.

I sighed, who would have thought that the infamous Commander Midoriya, would faint hearing he has a grandchild. What most people didn't know is that Hisashi loves children and not in a pedo kind of way. Growing up he always wanted a family, but fate dealt him a cruel hand and he is unable to have children of his own.

Crafting some smelling salts, I shove them under his nose. He shot up upon smelling the foul thing. Before he could continue his shouting spree, I covered his mouth.

"Eri's still sleeping dad, I know you're excited but we have other things to talk about." I whisper-yelled at him. Seeing my serious expression he nodded before I removed my hands.

"Toga, even if its true don't blurt that information out. We have other things to talk about. I will guarantee Eri's safety but I can't say the same for you. You're a wanted villian, so give us a reason not to kill you right now." Toga completely unfazed by my cold gaze smiled

Toga:" Oh Izu-Baby, thats so sweet of you to say! You know just how to get me in the mood, hey lets leave Eri with her gramps and go make her a little  brother or sister!"

"Thats not happening Toga, get serious for once. Do it for Eri, I can't let you stay with her if you don't give parabellum a reason to allow you to live."

Toga:" Fine Izu-baby, I'll do it for my baby girl. What do you want to know?" I look over to Dad and let him take over questioning 

Hisashi:" Alright Toga, tell everything you know about Tomura and this organization he's running. What are his plans and goals? Just what is he trying to accomplish?"

Toga:" Pfffft Shiggy's plans? The guys a giant baby, his "plans" are more like idea's given to him by AFO. In fact shiggy can't really do anything if AFO doesn't approve of it."

Hisashi:" Why are you calling tomura shiggy?" he asked

Toga:" Cause thats his name, Tomura Shigaraki, and his group is called the League of Villains, pretty stupid if you ask me. Honestly the only brains in that outfit is Kurogiri, but AFO ordered him to serve shiggy, said to let him learn from his mistakes."

Hisashi:" What do you know about the Nomu?"

Toga:" Besides that fact they smell? Not much, only Kurogiri and Tomura know where the come from and that they used to be people."

I watched as Dad sat there and contemplated, obviously deep in thought. After roughly 10 minutes he sighed, seemingly coming to a decision.

Hisashi:" Toga.... the information you've given us will be quite useful however...." he said as he glanced over to me and then to Eri " Its not enough for us to pardon you for your past misdeeds..."

I wanted to protest, but I knew he was right. Not to mention, it didn't take a genius to figure out what Toga had done to me. So his protective side may have leaked out abit.

Hisashi:" But I have an offer for you, Himiko Toga. You can refuse, but if you do, I'll have you removed. My offer is simple, work for us... join parabellum."

My jaw dropped, of all the things dad could have said. That was the last thing I expected him to say. I turned away from him and towards Toga. Who just sat there stunned for a second before breaking into a wide smile.

Toga:" So let me get this straight. I get to keep my baby girl safe, stay near Izu-baby, AND get to legally kill people?! Is that what you're telling me?! Sign me up!"

Hisashi:" Not so fast Toga, while the last part is kinda true. You won't kill without authorization, and yes my grandchild will be looked after. But as for being with my son that won't be possible, as he has his own team. Plus unfortunately for you he's getting married soon." 

I got ready to fight as he said this to Toga, I had no idea how she'd take this news. I silently cursed him for just dropping a bomb like that our feet. However Toga just smiled and tilted her head, tapping one of her fingers on her chin as if she was thinking.

Toga:"Thats okay, I'm ok with sharing him!" she just smiled as she stated this in a matter of fact manner

Now both mine and my fathers jaw were on the floor. Neither of us had expected that answer, after I shook of my shock I said

"You might be ok with that Toga, but neither myself or my fiancee are ok with that. Its not on the table so you can forget that idea."

Toga:" Nope! Izu-baby you'll see that we'll be all be a happy family soon enough!"

"I'm not going to deal with your delusions anymore. You can stay in here for tonight with Eri, tomorrow we'll get the ball rolling with everything else. And before you ask, No I will not sleep with you in here."

With that, both Dad and I left the room. I posted two guards outside my room for both protection and to keep an eye on Toga. I still didn't trust her, but now I have a bigger problem.

"How am I going to tell Momo I have a daughter?"

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