Chapter 16

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Tori strange water planet

Ankol asked if I was hungry and I nodded as my stomach rumbled. He told his mother something and she waved her hand in the air. Ankol chuckled softly and pulled me through the rooms and into a large kitchen area. He told me to sit as he rummaged through the contents of what looked like a refrigerator. He pulled several items out and pushed a few buttons, inserting the items into an opened device. I watched in fascination as the device started creating a meal before my eyes.

"Netorians are far more advanced than the Ghauqrian," he said simply and pulled out a steaming plate of delicious smelling food after the device buzzed. He slid the plate before me and handed me a eating utensil. I looked at it and it was a spork. I grinned and dug in. Ankol retrieved his plate and we ate across from each other.

"My mother is bringing women for us to choose to carry our child tomorrow afternoon, we should be at the planet later this evening," he says between bites. I nodded my head as I thought about the whole process.

"Will we be staying with your mother until the baby is born or will the surrogate come back with us, and how will I feed the baby Ankol, we have no milk," I frowned, realizing I hadn't thought that far in advance.

"What if you fall in love with one of your kind and leave me," I mumbled softly as my insecurities raised their ugly head. I rubbed my eyes and frowned. Ankol was watching me intently, grinning and shook his head.

"Tori, stop being foolish, I love you with all my heart, I don't want nor need another, eat and dismiss your negative thoughts," he smiled brightly and squeezed my hand. I nodded my head and continued to eat slowly. When we finished Ankol grabbed my hand and took me for a walk around his mother's ship. I was amazed by how pretty it was and when he took me to the lower deck I gasped. A huge pool filled the entire area and large lily pads were floating on the surface.

"This is what the planet looks like," Ankol grins and jumps into the pool. He pops his head up and asks me to join him. I removed my dress and jumped in next to him between the lily pads. I noticed his stripes were glowing more brightly than I'd ever seen before and he explained that it was the water from his planet that was the cause. He illuminated the entire room and I laughed heartily at his brightness. We swam together and rested towards the back of the area when we saw Ankol's mother and Vizall enter the area. Both of them stripped and entered the water. My eyes widened and so did Ankol's when the pair started fornicating aggressively.

"Your mom's fucking the commander," I whispered harshly.

"I can see that Tori, it's going on in front of my eyes," he said gravelly. I grinned slightly and asked him what we should do. He said we should make enough noise so they realize they're not alone.

"You'd think my dress laying there would have been a good indication," I snapped and he shrugged casually floating up and kissed me deeply. I felt his stiff shaft and grinned. I centered myself and he thrusted upward and I moaned rather loudly. I glanced secretly at the other pair and they separated.

"They stopped," I moaned softly.

"Well I'm not," he grinned and kissed me deeply, continuing to buck into my heat. I glanced over at the other pair and they started to continue, probably figuring we were too lost in our passion to notice them. I giggled seeing Vazill's ass plummeting Iriz.

"Are you watching them," Ankol asked breathlessly as he continued to thrust.

"Yep, just like I watched you and Maddock," I mumbled with a giggle.

"You're so naughty," he enunciated with a forceful thrust making me moan more. I started telling him I loved him as my orgasm rocked through me. I shattered against him and he climaxed soon after. I glanced over at his mother and Vizall and they had separated and were swimming around.

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