"Awe, isn't that adorable." I could hear Phirah saying and snorted angrily as I sat up, shaking Baia awake. She blinked her yellow eyes and hugged me tightly, thanking me for saving her life. I patted her back and laughed. I scowled at Phirah.

"Don't you ever cause an issue where my Ankol has to save your ass again," I snapped at him and hugged Ankol tightly. His eyes widened and he nodded.

"He was looking for the waterfall and got lost," Ankol says in his defense.

"Stupid idiot," I mumbled softly and kissed Ankol's cheek.

"You can stay the rest of the night here, extra room is upstairs and to the right or swim home," Ankol tells Phirah as he lifted me up and carried me upstairs to our bedroom, with me kissing him the entire way there. After the past couple days I was pleading for some normalcy. But alas the new day brought more shit to our door in the name of his domineering mother. We were enjoying breakfast and apparently Phirah and Baia had swam back home in the early hours. We were startled by the dull knock at the door. Ankol went to answer it and my eyes widened at the tall lean older blue woman with glowing green stripes on her skin. Ankol bowed his head and said mother and I swallowed uncomfortably. Her yellow eyes landed on me and a frown appeared on her face. She was soon talking a mile a minute in their fish language. Ankol's brow furrowed and his voice rose harshly back at her. Vizall was out there as well and he spoke to her and shook his head squeezing between them and headed toward me.

"She's telling him that you're not worthy of his markings," he says irritatedly and rolled his eyes. He sat down next to me and listened to the woman continue on vehemently saying words. Ankol was getting angry and I could see his stripes glowing more brightly.

"She's insisting that he leave with her and breed with another of his kind," Vizall states sadly. I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Fuck this bullshit, I'm so sick of others trying to destroy me and Ankol, why can't we just love each other in fucking peace," I yelled loudly and slammed my fists on the table. Vizall looked at me with wide eyes and smirked.

"Your green eyes are glowing brightly Tori," he chuckled and nodded at Ankol. I looked at the mother and son and she gasped and her hand went to her mouth. Ankol smiled brightly and rushed to my side.

"The alien planet is rubbing off on you," he laughed softly and kissed my forehead.

"Your green eyes are a rarity in the Netorian race, they are coveted," he smiled brightly and pulled me up next to him and brought me before his mother. She grasped my jaw and studied my face and eyes. She said something to Ankol and he nodded. She grinned and patted my cheek. I eyed her flatly and turned to go sit back down and Vizall laughed at me. I rolled my eyes and sat back down rubbing my eyes. His mother wasn't finished and according to Vizall she insisted that I have Ankol's children. I rolled my eyes and frowned.

"Can't have any I'm defective remember," I sighed sadly and rubbed my forehead. Ankol looked saddened and told his mother I was barren and she asked if I still had my ovaries. He asked me curiously and I nodded. He told his mother and he grinned brightly at what she was telling him. I looked at Vizall and he held his hand up to me as he continued to listen.

"She said she can harvest your eggs and fertilize them with Ankol and get a surrogate mother to carry your offspring," he smiled at me and shrugged. I looked at Ankol and nodded my head and he asked if I was serious and I yelled yes! So we are going to his home planet in the morning. I told him to tell his mother sorry for being so disrespectful and I hugged the woman tightly. She beamed at us and looked very excited. Ankol wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly.

"We're going to be parents," he laughed happily. I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"She says I need to sex you up really good tonight and my essence will be taken from you to fertilize your eggs," he grinned devilishly at me. My cheeks turned pink and his mother said something to him. He responded back nodding his head.

"She said to get started now, her and Vizall will return in the morning to take us and the process can be done on her ship. We will go to the planet to choose our surrogate," he smirked and we waved goodbye to the pair. Ankol carried me upstairs and proceeded to fill me with his baby batter. I enjoyed the entire process immensely. I was sleeping soundly wrapped in my love's arms when the pounding started at the door. I frowned and Ankol sat up rubbing his eyes. I opened my eyes slowly and could see the sunrise barely visible on the horizon.

"My mother must be really excited," he chuckled and got up to get dressed. I watched him press buttons and make me a green metallic dress.

"It will enhance your eyes Tori," he grinned, holding it out to me. I nodded and slipped in on. He picked me up and carried me downstairs. I inhaled deeply and Ankol opened the door to his mother and Vizall. She spoke and Ankol nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me next to him as we headed outside. We all loaded ourselves into their transporter and flew up to his mother's huge ship. When we docked I noticed the differences in the Netorian and Ghauqrian styles. The Netorians ship was all smooth lines and shiny metallic with soft shades of blues and greens. I marvelled at the interior. Ankol squeezed my hand and we followed his mother to the medical facility. I changed into a gown and laid down on a white exam table. Ankol stayed by my side listening to the doctor explaining the procedure.

"They are going to harvest the eggs first and then my essence, after we can watch them fertilize them," he winked at me. I smiled and laid back as a device was pressed to my side where my ovaries were located. I felt a tiny pinch and Ankol tells me that they got a few eggs. I grinned as they had me spread my legs and inserted tubing to collect Ankol's essence.

"Why didn't they have you jerk off in a cup," I asked him curiously. He turned red and grinned.

"It's more enjoyable this way, for the male and my essence remains alive for several days inside of you," he explained softly and I nodded. The procedure was finished and Ankol told me I could get dressed again. We both stood together in a laboratory watching a large screen as they inserted his sperm into my eggs. I watched in fascination as each got fertilized and was crying softly.

"I never thought I'd have a child," I mumbled sadly and Ankol hugged me tightly. He kissed my cheek and smiled brightly down at me.

"I love you so much Tori," he beamed at me. He squeezed my hand as we followed his excited mother and Vizall to her rooms.

"Why is Vizall always hanging around," I asked softly. Ankol chuckled softly.

"He's my uncle and was with my mother's sister who was Phirah's mother, Phirah and I are cousins," he says. I pursed my lips and eyed him strangely.

"Doesn't that mean that Phirah impregnated his um, cousin," I mumble in shock. He eyed me and nodded.

"Yes, I know it's fucked up but a common practice in the Netorian culture," he said softly and added,"some even breed siblings." I balked at that, freaking weirdos. We entered his mother's room and my eyes widened at the beautiful stained glass walls and numerous colored cushions that were scattered across the living area. She laid against several and started speaking in their language. Vazill was laughing and Ankol said something back. The door opened and a large Ghauqrian male with graying hair came in and Ankol smiled and went towards him. They embraced each other and Ankol brought me before him.

"Father, this is Tori, my wife," he said.

"Hello Tori, I'm Heron, Ankol's father," he says sincerely with bright orange eyes and a raised four fingered hand. I shook the large hand and smiled telling him it was nice to make his acquaintance. He nodded and headed towards his wife and Vizall. I looked at him and at Ankol trying to see the resemblances.

"What's your mother's name, I've never been told," I asked curiously.

"Her name is priestess or Iriz," Ankol tells me quietly and I nodded.

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