24. school adventure

Start from the beginning

After a few turns I got lost I wanted to cry but bubba said big girls are strong so I had to be strong and find bubba to tell him that meanie aunty was there then I took my trembling legs and took one more turn and my face lit up

It was the same building that bubba showed me I quickly went inside not seeing anything I bumped into someone when I looked up I saw a lot of scary boys I quickly put my head down in fear and apologized

"look up" one of the scary men said his voice was so scary

When I looked up they were shocked I think I did something wrong so I quickly said

"I a..am so...sorry pl...please d...do n.. not h.. hur. Hurt me" tears were on my cheeks

I know bubba said not to cry but they were so scary

"why will we hurt you and why are you scared of us Ana?" other man said I was confused they did not say my name properly so I said my name they looked sad and hurt but then one of the man said

"hey we won't hurt you ok calm down do you know who we are?"

I shook my head in a no

Why would I know who they are they are so scary

"calm down ok we won't hurt you lex...Daisy" another boy said wiping my tear like bubba used to do so maybe I can trust them so I nodded my head

"why are you here?" asked another man

"I... I want...wanted to meet b...bubba" I said

They looked angry and hurt so I was scared again I started to tremble I think they noticed so one of them quickly came to me and hugged me and said "no one will hurt you an.. Daisy ok?" I nodded I feel protected when he hugged me I felt warm

"what is your brother's name?" he asked

"Lucca" I said

"second name?" asked the same one

"I... do... don't kn ... know" I said

Now they will think I am bad girl, will they leave me too like my old family? Although I don't remember my old family I get videos in my sleep in which they were beating me, I did not want these boys to leave me although they were scary I felt safe with them. Thinking all this I felt tear running down my cheek

"hey why are you crying?" asked one on them

"y.. you w...will l...leave me I, d... do not remember b...bubba name" I said with tears

"hey we wont leave you ok stop crying" he said hugging me

"pinky promise?" I said lifting my pinky up

Bubba said if anyone dose pinky promise they will never break it

I heard him chuckle then he wrapped his large pinky with my small one and said "pinky promise"

I was happy I made new friends I quickly hugged him and kissed his cheek and blushed deep red

He was shocked at first but then he kissed my forehead as bubba and then one of them said "let's go find your bubba" I quickly stated jumping on seeing bubba but I frowned how will I find bubba in this huggee building

"what happened?" he asked again

"how will I find bubba in this huggee place" I said I feel comfortable with them so I don't think I need to shutter

They chuckled and said "come with us your bubba will come to you himself no need to search for him"

"how?" I asked tilting my head to right utterly confused

"lets go cutie" he said and started to walk but his legs are so big I need to walk fast and my leg started to hurt as I never walked this long begore

Then suddenly I felt myself being picked up I squeaked then I saw the one who kissed my forehead picking me up giving me a piggy back ride

"thank you ...." I frowned I don't know their names

"what is your names all of you?" I said then they started to tell me their names

The one picking me up was Nick but I don't like that name for him so

"I will call you Nicholas just like my fish" I said

His face showed happiness when I said that "how many fish do you have? Noah asked

"I have so many fishes their names are zander, Cally, eddy, Nicholas, natty, Enzo, vinvin, Alonso, Armani, Alessi, Eric, Noah, Matteo, gio, hunhun and Daniel and there is one more fish I call it old man as it has white scales all over its body like white hair on old people head and you all copy my fish names" I said excitedly then hey stopped walking and looked at me like I was an alien I was confused and asked

"what happened why did you stop walking?"

"why did you to name your fish like that?" Noah asked

"I don't know I like that names I feel like they were perfect" I said and they smiled and started walking

"where are we going?" I asked

"to principle office" Eric said

"ohh... will bubba be there?" I asked

"no, we will call him there do you have his number?" Nicholas said

Then I remember bubba wrote his number in notepad and said to git it to someone if I was lost

Stupid why did I forget that

"here bubba said give it to someone when I am lost" I said taking my notepad and giving it to them

They looked at it and nod and took me somewhere

Without knocking they entered a room that was labelled as 'principle office' as soon as we got in I saw a man looking down at his computer screen as the man looked up at me he said "is this real"

"what is real?" I asked in ear of Nicholas as I was still on his back

"what is wrong with her boys?" he asked the boys who I was with

"that this person should explain" Nathen said passing my notepad to him

"let me make an announcement" he said and clicked a few buttons and took out a mic and said "Lucca Scoot you are requested in my office immediately I repeat Lucca Scoot you are requested in my office immediately its an emergency"

"why did he tell bubba name into mic?" I asked




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i am on heaven my book reached 1k reads i am soo happy 

so comment if you want an double update and i will do it 

i am sooooo happy today

thankyou so much for your support 

love you all

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