fifteen | the killer

Start from the beginning

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Just like she said that she would, Annabelle had in fact compelled a group of people to enter the Lockwood Mansion and not make an attempt at either escaping or making any noise whatsoever until she said otherwise.

And that was exactly how she liked it.

She liked being the one in control.

Especially when she had no chance of being in control during the eight years that she'd spent being hurt by her own parents while she was still human.

It was nothing more than invigorating to her.

The realization that she had their lives practically held in the palm of her hand and there was nothing that any one of them could possibly do about it.

It was that thing alone that excited her and got her to lose control of her bloodlust even more than she already had.

It was because of her lack of control over herself as she listened to their increasingly fast heartbeats that caused her to not realize that someone else was in the room with her until she heard the female werewolf ask her, "Hey, you're Annabelle, right?"

Instead of responding, she remained silent as she stared at the young men and women who were quivering in front of her.

As their shaking increased, a smirk had made its way onto Annabelle's face.

She was just about to lunge towards one of them and start to tear into their neck, only to stop when her arm was grabbed from behind her.

In retaliation, Annabelle quickly turned around and grabbed the female werewolf by the front of her neck, which got the werewolf to scratch Annabelle's hands in an attempt to break herself free from Annabelle's grasp.

As she tilted her head to the side, Annabelle said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd say that this wasn't your plan on what would happen after grabbing me." When the werewolf only started to dig her fingernails into Annabelle's hands, Annabelle's smirk became even wider as she said, "But I am right, aren't I? I mean, let's be honest here. I don't think any sane individual would actually plan on this happening and then– when it would happen– decide to dig their fingernails into my hands."

The werewolf simply remained silent as she stared down at Annabelle with wide eyes.

Just as Annabelle was about to say something more to the struggling werewolf, she suddenly stopped when she heard a gasp before she turned her head to see that his veins had come onto display on Tyler's face.

Just as Tyler was about to quickly run over to them and try to make Annabelle release the werewolf, Caroline quickly sped into the room and grabbed his arm as she said, "Tyler, don't."

Tyler turned to look at Caroline with furrowed eyebrows as he said, "What? Why the hell not? She has Hayley. I have to do something."

Caroline shook her head as she replied, "Not if it means that doing so would get you killed." After Tyler scoffed to himself, she said, "Tyler, listen to me. Annabelle doesn't have the same level of patience as her siblings seem to have. She would kill us all just to spite Klaus. She doesn't care about the consequences."

Instead of responding, Tyler turned his head and looked over at Annabelle, whose smirk was even wider as she mockingly waved at him, before he looked back at Caroline as he sighed to himself.

After looking back at Hayley, Annabelle tilted her head as she eyed the struggling werewolf.

After a couple seconds of silently staring at Hayley, Annabelle simply let go of Hayley's neck and watched as she fell onto the floor.

Without so much as bothering to say another word to Hayley, Annabelle simply sped into the other room.

But not before she had quickly killed the group of people that she'd compelled into entering Tyler's mansion.

* * *

After silently watching as Tyler talked to Hayley, Annabelle suddenly stopped when she heard her phone start to ring.

She silently took her phone out from her coat and looked down to see that it was Klaus who was calling her.

With a sigh, she accepted the call and asked, "What is it now, Niklaus? Would you care for me to compel a young man into going to Italy and rubbing your feet?"

Klaus sighed before he said to her, "Now isn't the time for your sarcasm, Annabelle." Just as Annabelle was about to say something more to him, he asked her, "How have things been on your end?"

Annabelle replied, "Aside from the fact that my attempt in killing Hayley was ruined by Tyler and Caroline, everything has been just fine."

Klaus said to her, "Well, here's a piece of good news for you, then. You're free to leave. I don't need them to be watched any longer."

Annabelle asked, "Already? And here I thought that I'd get to have a bit more fun with this lot." When he insisted that she could leave, she said, "Very well. I'll leave them alone. For now, at least."

Then she ended the call before she sped out of the mansion, and she had slammed the front door shut behind herself.

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