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Warning: smut. I feel like a pervert writing this one— I didn't feel like one while writing chapter 4.
Also: normally lactation begins around 16 weeks, rn YT be like 15/16 weeks so like.... yeah. @Laov10 this for you

Sorry in advance.

*not edited as I don't want to have to read this monstrosity I've written—*
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The three continued to talk, Yuta on the couch, Johnny and Taeyong a few feet away on barstools away from the strong smelling couch. The two elder caught him up on the group drama and what's been going on. Eventually the three were so immersed in joking around and telling stories that none of them heard the door unlock and open; because the scent was already lingering in the apartment, none of them smelt the Chinese come in until he called out, also not noticing the two Koreans,

   "Hey Yuta, I brought over some fo– Hi?"


August 27 2020

The three's laughter and joking froze, the three turned to the Chinese who seemed to have suddenly appear. The two korean alphas stared down the Chinese silently, neither of the three saying a word. Yuta spoke first, scolding Sicheng, "Yah! Why do you always appear like a fricking ghost?

That snapped the three out of it. Sicheng moving to place the Tupperware of food in the kitchen. "Kun-ge made some food for us to share, I just got back from showering after practice." Back facing the three, Sicheng dishes out the food in two servings, one for Yuta and one for himself. When he first entered the apartment he was annoyed the two elder alphas were here, wanting them to leave straight away, but didn't throw them out as they were Yuta's bandmates and friends. His anger lessened a bit when he saw the two sitting at the counter table, a good two meters or so from his mate. —mate? He shook his head.

Yuta, completely bypassing the flares of his friends at Sicheng, smiled at the mentioned of Kun's amazing cooking, and was happy –not that he'll admit it verbally– that the younger will eat with him; normally he would drop off the food and either leave or sit beside him and watch TV or his phone while he eat alone. "Really?" If Yuta was a dog, his tail would be wagging at the speed of light. He got up, blanket still around him as he walked over to the chines rim the kitchen, not realizing his friends were still watching them –not that he cared– and stood beside Sicheng, leaning over to rest his head on his shoulder, taking breaths of the scent he hasn't smelt in two days.

Johnny and Taeyong stared at the two shocked, they're never seen Yuta; the type to strive to be called manly, alpha material even though he was smaller than most, who was stubborn and headstrong, to be acting so... how would you say it... submissive, towards another alpha; especially to one he's fought with at whatever chance with whatever bullshit excuses he could come up with.

Johnny leaned over, smacking Taeyong's arm, whispering, "Am I seeing right, or...?"
"No no, you're... you're seeing right. Or maybe we're both seeing wrong." Taeyong responded. He observed the two, noting how clingy and touchy Yuta was with Sicheng, he's never even seen him touch anyone with such affection; Yuta usually showed affection to Jungwoo and Mark, feeling at home with Jungwoo's light jasmine scent and Mark's nearly nonexistent watermelon scent, but only ever hugs them or wraps an arm around them, never.... he was touchy, but not tot he point where he'd inhale their scents and cuddle up to them, it's always the other way around.

   Johnny leaned over, whispering, "I Sicheng is technically Yuta's mate or some shit like that, but is it bad that I don't really like Sicheng?" He asked.

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