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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

October 26

Brown eyes fought their way to open, and soon did. Yuta, foggy with sleep, stared at the wardrobe in front of his view for a solid minute in the dark room. It was then he realized he didn't feel the warmth or presence of Sicheng around or close to him. Looking over his shoulder, he confirmed the Chinese wasn't there; Sicheng had ultimately moved in the day after they painted the baby's room and slept with him in his bed, though he spent a lot of the days on schedules, sometimes he would hang around in the WayV dorms as to film Weibo lives and whatnot. Though it's only been four days since he's more or less moved in, Yuta has woken up to the younger close to him and would wake up the same time Sicheng did unconsciously just to see him before he left for nearly the whole day. Some would say he's whipped, Yuta says he's not.

   But already used to the younger's presence when he woke up, and not seeing him, believed the other had already went to attend to his schedule, seeing as the clock on the wall read nine in the morning, made him feel sad. Sleepy and upset that his mate wasn't here, he unwillingly let out a –unknowingly- loud whine as he he shifted himself to the other side of the bed where Sicheng has situated himself, snuggling to the citrusy scented pillow.

   What he didn't know, was that the Chinese hadn't left for a schedule, and was in the kitchen preparing some breakfast. In the middle of putting chopped green onions in a pot of ramen, he was startled by the sudden, loud, and sadden whine, some pieces of the vegetables he was carrying dropping to the floor. Picking up the greens he trashed them before washing his hands and turning off the stove as he walked into the bedroom, worried something had happened. Seeing the elder still lying in bed, he thought perhaps he was having a dream and called out quietly, "Yuta?"

Hearing the deep voice, Yuta jerked his head around, his big brown eyes wet with near tears as he stared at the younger in shock. He unconsciously let out a whimper as the Sicheng came closer, seeing that the elder was awake, Sicheng laid down on the bed beside him, Yuta turning to lie facing him. Concerned, the younger asked, "You okay? You need something?"

   The Japanese shook his head, instead opting to scoot closer to the Chinese and nuzzled his head into his shoulder, mumbling, "I thought you already left for a schedule..."

   Sicheng lowered his hand to rest atop the other's belly, caressing it and feeling the subtle movements of the pup that's yet to be born. "Hm, I don't have a schedule until two, I still have a few hours until the ; I was in the kitchen making some breakfast." He informed him. They were quiet for a moment until Sicheng said quietly, "Happy Birthday Yuta."

   The Japanese pulled away from his neck, looking at him with surprised eyes; "T-thank you..." he stuttered out, going back to nuzzling his neck, but this time he gave his neck a small lick as he smiled against the skin, and he's sure the other felt it as a hand came up to caress his long hair.


   A black haired teen stepped out the airport, dragging along only a carry-on and a backpack. Not entirely sure of what to do now, he headed towards the taxis; he was nervous as this would be the first time he'll actually have to communicate with someone with small knowledge of korean— yes, he is korean, but he grew up in Japan all his life, so that's his excuse for being korean and not knowing korean.

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