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^ i just wanted to share this pic that I found cuz now I cant unsee and my man lookin beautiful lmao

Not edited, sorry for grammar or spelling, or autocorrect mistakes.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
May 11, 2020

"Why do we have to wait here? Why can't we wait in our room?" He said annoyed to the leader as they stretched back stage.

The eldest Chinese sighed, explaining, "Because the program got delayed and it's better to have us already here to be ready to go for when they finish." As Sicheng was about to open his mouth for another question, Kun already went to answer it; "So be quiet, we won't have to speak with them as once they're done they're going back to their waiting room and we're going on stage straight away."

Getting his answer, Sicheng stood up, looking at the screen that everyone else was watching. It was showing NCT 127's live performance of their latest comeback Kick It; all the members were wearing black and white martial arts clothes. Sicheng just to make it clear he didn't have a problem with the group themselves, just Yuta. As he watched the performance, he couldn't help but be drawn to the Japanese. He also couldn't help but judge him, he doesn't care that they fucked two night ago, he still hates his guts.

While he was listing off the other's flaws and errors as he always did when he watched their stages, he couldn't help but notice the abnormal amount of shifting he did when on the sidelines, or how he kept subtlety changing his balance, slightly slipping up a few moves. During the dance break his movements seemed... pained. Sicheng was confused, Why, he isn't usually this bad? What was going on with him?

It took a few seconds until it clicked.




Oh. Ooooohh. He put a fist to his mouth when he realized. Holy fuck, when I said I fucked him til he forgot his memory I was joking— how is he still- hurt... from then? In the past, his past partners have always been able to walk just fine after a few hours, at most the next day. That must've been one hell of a drug...He thought for moment before a small smirk grew on his face, with this information he could surely tease the Japanese even more, to tip him over the edge.

   "WayV! It's go time! On stage!" Sicheng barely had time to recollect himself from his planning and thoughts when he was being ushered along with the other members out the room and down the short hall to the stage. For a second he nearly forgot what they were performing due to the sudden move; Shit what song are we about to do- Moonwalk, yeah, Moonwalk.

   As they were rushing on stage, the NCT members were rushing off, as so they were passing each other as the way. Seeing the other group approaching, from in front of him, Yongqin turned a bit with a glare, as if telling him, "if you get in a fight right now, I will personally skin you." As the two group passed each other, Sicheng ignored the older's warning; coincidentally both him and Yuta where at the back of their groups. As they passed, Sicheng leaned over in the small hallway, whispering close to the opposing alpha's ear;

   "Was I too rough?"

   It was a short sentence, and without context would be confusing, but to the two, to Yuta; it pissed Yuta off. Anger and rage filled his brown eyes as he let out a growl; he made a move to lash out but was stopped by Taeyong who had came round back and grabbed his arm and pulled him away, sending a look to Sicheng that the Chinese couldn't quite decipher.

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