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your pov:

i settled back into my stool as we sat in comfortable silence and drank our coffee.

laura had served a couple of people during mine and louis' conversation, before coming back to me.

"you okay?" she mouthed to me, standing not far in front.

i nodded in agreement leaving her with a small smile on her face.

she took my cup when she noticed i finished it, as so did she the same with louis.

i cleared my voice before talking.

"ready to go?" i asked louis.

"yup." he said, as he picked up his skateboard and got off the stool.

"thanks laura!"
i said before leaving the cafe with louis next to me.

"where do you want to go?" i ask.

"well i can't go to the mall or any shop to be honest because i have a skateboard on me."

"that's fine we can do something outside, any ideas?" i said.

louis didn't say nothing but just look down at his skateboard before looking back at me.

"no no no no-" i said, leaving louis to laugh at me.

"why!?" he said in between laughs.

(tw ig)

"i HATE skating, the last time i tried i fell and hurt myself badly."

"oh really? what happened?"

"i scraped my knee and both of my hands?"

"didn't anyone like.. teach you?"

"no it was just a yolo moment"

"right, have you considered actually like learning?"

"yeah no that yolo moment just said no to me"

"well i mean i can teach you... i'm pretty good"

"prove it"

louis dropped his skateboard before performing a trick i possibly couldn't explain, it was so quick, and it was very much... hard to do.

"okay yeah whatever"
i said rolling my eyes playfully as louis picked his skateboard up, happy with himself.

we walked to some skatepark, it was a bit further and it was much better than the one i've seen him before with evie.

"here we are." louis said as we went to one side of the skatepark, it was quite busy, but it wasn't as bad.

"alright, show me what you can do, you're probably shit" i said, teasing him.

louis smirked, before dropping his skateboard and proving me wrong.

he was good, like, really good.

he performed many tricks in just 10 seconds, and i was completely shocked

not only was i shocked, but all the other people at the skatepark moved for him and watched him perform his tricks.

he came back to me, with his hair fully messed up, and his skateboard in hand.

"okay whatever" i say, blushing.

"wanna learn..?" louis said, quite nervous.

it took me some time to give up an answer, but i agreed at last.

"but only if you're going to be there to catch me in case i fall"


i was still unsure, but went with it.

i layed on foot on louis' skateboard, followed by the other, with louis' hand supporting me around my waist, as he made sure i didn't fall.

i also noticed him staring for a bit as i was adjusting my legs on the skateboard.

louis' pov:

i wrapped my hands around lilly's waist in order to support her.

i wanted to make sure she felt comfortable.

i would do anything at this point to gain her trust, i know she doesn't fully trust me just yet, but i hope to regain trust. i seriously fucked up.

and i know i won't hurt her ever again, won't sound realistic, but i'll make a promise on my life that i won't hurt her.

i was lost by her hair swaying with the wind, some getting in her face and some flipping over to the other side on the top of her head.
her (eye colour) eyes were so pretty, i literally got lost in them right there on the spot.

your pov:

i adjusted myself before looking up to louis who was already staring at me.

i blushed before snapping my fingers i. front of his face, getting his attention.

"sorry" he whispered.

"okay i'm going to let you go." he said slowly as he let go off of my waist.

"no no no" i said before losing balancing and dropping forward.

luckily louis caught me.

but we were really close, our face inches apart as our noses nearly touched.

"you got this" louis whispered before fully helping me to stand up.

"louis i cant do it"

"lilly you can"

i got back on the skateboard, much more terrified this time as my legs were slightly shaking.

louis once again, let go and this time i balanced for much longer but fell into louis' hands again.

"that's it louis i cant and won't do it anymore"

"come on!"

"louis please i seriously cant"

"alright, but if you get bored here as i skate, i'm gonna make you skate, you can't be bored whilst i have fun, alright?"

"yeah..." i said, completely blushing as louis smiled before going on his skateboard and i went on my phone.

it was getting dark without my notice.

it was getting much colder as well.

this brown old jumper that had been laying around in my closet has not helped, it had minor holes everywhere, leaving me so cold.

i was shaking at this point, trying to make heat by running my hands against eachother and blowing air into them.

after a bit, louis had randomly come out of no where and offered his carhartt jumper

"louis you're going to be cold though."

"i don't want you cold though."

"but it's okay, this jumper is enough"

louis put a finger through one of the holes, which then led him to poking my back.

"really? you aren't cold? with all these massive holes in your jumper?"

"they're tiny!"

louis took his pointing finger and put it in front of my face, "this? small?" he said as he nodded his face in disappointment.

"okay whatever, but i'm okay." i said, declining louis' offer for his jumper.

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