The first thing that comes to view is a very big naked tree at the entrance of the park, brown branches wilding as they meet with another tree from the other side. Her eyes dart to the brick pathway that leads deeper into the park, nodding when she realized Jungkook did draw the two trees in the map, and the arrows says to walk further inside and she will find a row of benches that faces a little lake.

Walking slowly and steadily, eyes wondering around the area, spotting not even a single soul at all. It is almost midnight, people would be asleep by now, all warm and cosy under their thick blanket with a weather like this, not walking alone at night at a place so unknown.

Haru tugs her winter coat closer to her as she continues walking, her boots crushing the tiny branches creating a creaking sound matched with her breathless sighs as she fights the cold. She was about to pull out her phone again when she stops dead at her tracks, eyes catching a figure sitting alone on the middle bench, facing the small lake—the one from the map.

In fact, he is the only person there amidst the empty benches and this empty park, besides her of course. Despite this person's back facing her, her heart skipped a beat at the realization that she knows that person too well not to recognize the soft black hair, that dark green woven scarf wrapped around his neck and despite the dimness, the grey coat she knows too well.


All of sudden, swirls of emotions hit her like a truck, breaking every bit of her composed self as she gulps heavily, feeling every inch of her skin tightens and her hearts beating irregularly as the nervousness creeps on her skin again. She is afraid. Too afraid to think she might not be the one Taehyung needs right now. Knowing just how vulnerable he is right now breaks her, it tears every bit of her heart and it makes her want to run to him and hug him.

But she needs to think. She does not want to overwhelm him, not when he is in this state. She needs to do better for him. So she stands there, with full hesitation, thinking of ways she can offer comfort to the person that might want to be alone at times like this.

Pressing her almost dry lips together, she tries to put herself in Taehyung's position and think of how she would have felt if she were him. Maybe, she would not like words being thrown at her, all those overflowing assuring words that people thought might be helpful but instead, it breaks her even more. Not that she hates or ungrateful for those, but at times like this, she would have preferred to be left alone.

"Oh god", she sighs lowly, closing her eyes in frustration. "Think, Haru, just think"

She stares at the ground for a few seconds before her head snaps up at the realization. She knows Taehyung well, thus, she was not supposed to think in this direction—putting herself in his shoes—but instead, put herself in the position on how she, as his girlfriend, could be of any help to him. Taehyung has been with her through her vulnerable episodes when she thought of nothing but wanting to give up and end everything. He knows just what to do by being himself, doing what he can and what he is capable of—being there for her.

She should do the same. She should not have thought too hard on this because after all, they have each other. She has Taehyung, and he has her. Nothing else matters now.

Taking one long breathe, she gathers all her bravery and continues walking towards him. Slow steps, mindful of making so much noise that might startle him as he looks so deep in his thoughts. As she gets nearer, she finally can see his face from the side, and her heart longs to just run to him.

Suddenly, he flinched a little and his head turns to her direction, eyes widened in complete surprise. A gasp fell out of Haru's lips when their eyes met, and they stare into each other's gaze for a few seconds. She immediately froze, doubting if she should walk further or just stand there and let him process her sudden appearance. But when he does not move at all, frozen as she is, she dumps all doubts and continues walking as his eyes never look away from her.

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