Quidditch Match

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Disclaimer: Anything you recognise I do not own.

Author's note: Here is a long chapter and there will probably be another one up today. Thank you for reading xxx

"WAKE UP!" Lyria screamed in James ear and whacked him with his pink teddy bear. The boy groaned and sat up, putting on his glasses.

"Hey! You hurt Lily!" She looked around looking for the red head but sniggered as she saw James cradling the bear. He named his teddy Lily! Cute but also kind of stalkerish. Now that James was awake she turned to her next victim. Sirius. Lyria shouted in his ear and nothing happened. What the....she ran her hand through his hair and messed it up, but he remained fast asleep.

"SIRIUS!" She yelled at ripped the blanket off him. HOLY SHI- she covered him with the blanket again.

"WHY ON EARTH DO YOU SLEEP NAKED?" She screeched and heard a raspy laugh. Lyria turned around about to yell at him again but jumped back around when she saw he had sat up, the sheet pooling low in his lap.

"What, not gonna give me a kiss to wake me up?"

"As far as I can tell you're already awake." She pointedly started walking towards Remus to wake him up.

"Are you sure I'm not still dreaming?" Sirius murmured and Lyria huffed.

"Stop looking at my ass Sirius and get dressed!" He laughed and she heard movement behind her. She felt a hand grab her waist and pull her into a warm, hard body. A warm hard naked body. Lyria screamed bloody murder and leaped away.


"Who's getting murdered?" Remus said tiredly as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Sirius is murdering Lyria apparently." James chimed in as he pulled on his socks.

"Oh that's fine then."


"Yayyyy Moony's on my side." His arms were suddenly around her again and he whispered into her ear. She shivered despite the warmth his body emitted. His arms tightened and he rested his chin on her shoulder. She rolled my eyes and twisted in his hold. She threaded her arms around his neck.

"Much better..." He purred and leaned down to kiss her. In front of the James, Remus and Peter AND PETER! Lyria swerved out the way and stepped towards the bed with the last sleeping boy. Sirius moaned and reached after her.

"Nope you've got morning breath and I forgot about Peter!" She nudged the boy and thankfully he woke up straight away. Lyria smiled at him before she was yanked backwards. Into Sirius. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Why is my girlfriend being so meeeeannnnn?" He whined.

"Why is my boyfriend still naked?" She retorted and tried to slip under his arm.

"You like me this way." He grinned at her and Lyria shrugged.

"Maybe." He leaned down and she closed her eyes. There was a very girlish scream and they pulled apart before their lips met.

"Go to church!" James yelled at them, throwing pillows. She blew him a kiss.

"Fuck you Potter." Sirius lifted his middle finger at the boy who grinned.

"Why did you wake us up so early, Lyria? How did you even get into the tower?"

"I know the password, also are you kidding?" She waited for the boys to say something then huffed.

"You're playing in a quidditch match today against Hufflepuff, remember?" It was as if she flipped a switch, suddenly the room exploded into movement.

How to lose a guy in 20 days (Sirius Black x oc) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat