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I swear if Ben Barnes looked at me like that I would die ^

10 days left of the bet

"I don't understand!" Lyria cried as she slouched in the chair. Her and Phoebe were in the library studying with Lily and Marlene. 

"Why hasn't he broken up with me yet?" 

"Maybe he actually likes you?" Lily offered, not looking up from her book. 

"You're joking. This is Sirius Black we are talking about."

"You know what I think," Marlene leaned forward, "I think that because Sirius hasn't fallen in love with anyone, when he does he'll fall deep." She emphasised her point by waggling her eyebrows and Lyria laughed. 

The girls continued studying but Lyria's eyes skimmed over the words without reading them. What if Marlene and Lily were right? She had been the most annoying girlfriend ever and he hadn't ended their relationship, what if he actually liked her? She dismissed the thought quickly as bullshit, but she couldn't stop her heart fluttering. The past few days they had been spending more time together and while she had been annoying as fuck, he was hilarious and charming at the same time. It helped that Sirius was quite possibility the hottest guy she had ever seen and he defiantly knew it. Perfect silky hair, steamy grey eyes, plump lips that just looked so-

"Hey!" Phoebe whacked her on the shoulder with rolled up parchment and she blinked and frowned. 

"Ow, what?" 

"What were you thinking about?" Phoebe grinned and raised an eyebrow. 

"Nothing." Lyria hit her with her book in retaliation. 

"Sure, sure." The blonde rolled her eyes. 

"I think her thoughts may have featured a certain Mr Black." 

"I heard my name?" Talk of the devil. The marauders came strutting into the library, well actually James and Sirius strutted, Remus walked and Peter sort of scurried.

"Nothing." Lyria sent a warning glare at her friends who stifled their laughter. Sirius came up behind her and draped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head softly. Lyria honestly thought her heart melted. She leaned back into his arms and he rested his chin on the top of her head. 

"So what are you girls doing?" James asked, flopping down into the seat next to Lily. The red haired clenched her jaw and ignored him. 

"We were studying." The word was so suggestive that Lyria scowled at Phoebe who smirked. 

"What subject are you studying, my lily-flower?" 


"Oh I'm brilliant at charms, aren't I Remus?" James enthused and the boy made a noise of agreement, nose in a book, not really paying attention.


"See?" Lily ignored him. 

"Hey, Lily-flower?"

"What, Potter?" Lily huffed.

"Are you a dementor, because you just took my breath away." Lily shot him a death glare and went back to her studying, whilst Marlene, Sirius, Phoebe and Lyria were all sniggering. Lyria noted the slight pinkness to her cheeks though. Perhaps Lily had some feelings for the boy after all.

"That was so bad." Lyria said, hoping her voice sounded normal. Sirius was laughing into her neck and her toes were curling. He smelled so fucking good too.

"Pft, I think it was a brilliant pick up line, like you could do any better." James crossed his arms and faked anger. Lyria grinned. 

"Challenge accepted." She turned to Remus. 

"Hey Remus!" 


"Will you go on a date with me?" Sirius grip on her tightened slightly but she ignored it. Remus spluttered and faced her completely, eyes wide.

"Uh what?"

"Sorry, what did you think I said?"

"Will you go on a date with me." He repeated looking confused. 

"Of course I will Remy!" The group was silent before they all burst into laughter, Remus rolled his eyes. 

"HEY! You're my girlfriend, you can't go on a date with Remus!"  Sirius huffed in protest right in her ear. Molten liquid pooled in between her legs. Oh god. The bet was the furtherest thing from her mind right now. She needed a reallllllyyy cold shower. 

"Hey Lily-flower-" James started.

"NO." She said sharply and picked up her books and left. 

"Can we get back to studying?" Lyria asked and nudged Sirius away. She needed to get some space between them before she pounced like some sort of horny animal. He pulled out a chair and sat on it backwards, tilting his head at her. Twenty minutes later, Lyria had gotten no studying done because Sirius kept making annoying noises like coughing and she couldn't concentrate whilst his gaze was pinned on her face. It sent flutters in her stomach but her patience was running thin.

"Can you be quiet? We're trying to study!" A half smile crept across the boy's face at her flustered, annoyed expression. 

"Has anyone ever told you you have the most beautiful eyes?" Lyria forced herself not to blush.

"Has anyone ever told you you're a pain in the arse?" Lyria retorted. 

"Yes, many women have." He replied cockily and she let out a surprised laugh. She tried to stop herself smiling but couldn't .

"You disgusting!" She beat his arm with the book and he chuckled holding his hands up in surrender. 

"Miss Salvatore are you hitting Mr Black, with a BOOK?" Came Madam Prince's screech as she rounded the corner. 

"And that's our cue to go." Sirius said. He stood up and turned, presenting Lyria with his back. 

"You don't actually-"

"Hurry up and get on." She grinned and jumped on his back. He grabbed hold of her legs and ran out the library, Lyria laughing her head off along the way.

Author's note: 

Thank you so much vaishnaviVinod09 for commenting yesterday, this chapter is for you! I honestly love to hear your thoughts on the chapters so please comment! No pressure though. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!!!!!!!

I love you and stay safe xxx

How to lose a guy in 20 days (Sirius Black x oc) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now