𝟱𝟯 - 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗲 | 𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘀

Start from the beginning

But the firemen and patrols would be here soon and we had to get the fuck out of this place, I couldn't stick around to mourn this people's lives right now. My body hurt like fuck.

"Harry, I can walk, c'mon." I said, tugging myself down and whimpering in pain the minute my leg was in touch with the floor.

"No, you can't, let me-"

"Just run!" I snapped, grabbing his wrists and sprinting towards the exit however I could. I practically limped all the way towards it though.

Alex and Alissa were already there, holding the door open for us. The whole structure of this building was cracking awfully loud and I was scared we wouldn't make it in time to the door, we had to-

Harry surprised the fuck out of me when he suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders and tossed me into Alex's chest... right before the ceiling fell down, blocking the door.

A gut-wrenching shriek left my body before I could process my actions, but I knew I screamed way too loud because my throat started itching. But I couldn't stop screaming and screaming and screaming and what the fuck.

Harry couldn't have just done that.

Fuck, no, this couldn't be happening. Not to me.

I kept mumbling incoherent words under my breath, or maybe I was shouting them, I had no idea anymore. I just knew I had to go save my boy, but Alex was holding me way too tight and I couldn't.

Why would he do this? Why would he risk his life to save mine? I wasn't worth it, fuck, I wasn't. I would dig through every rock blocking this door if that was what it took to get my Harry back, I needed him back right now.

Had he thrown me against Alex's chest on purpose? So I wouldn't be able to go looking for him? He would never do that to me, why wouldn't he want to get out of there? I had to save him, I had to save him because he had been saving me for the past two months and I still hadn't told him I loved him.

Harry knew how much this hurt me and he promised he'd never hurt me... why was he breaking his promise? It felt like the scalding flames were burning and ripping and destroying my insides, and I was screaming for help but nobody could hear me.

"I love you, I love you, I love you. Please don't do this to me." I kept repeating as if it would magically bring him back.

But he wasn't gone yet, wasn't he?

"Let me fucking go! I have to go fucking get him! Please!" I screamed, feeling the tears starting to pour down helplessly.

"Natalie, stop!" Alex tightened his arms around me, which only pissed me off even more.

I couldn't even feel my wound anymore, it had disappeared. The only wound I had was right in my chest, like a bullet, and I couldn't understand why weren't Alex and Alissa helping me get it out of my body.

Why were they giving up? Harry was there, waiting for me with his smiley face and his dimples and his curls and his green eyes and please don't leave me, Harry.

Please be there.

There was smoke coming out of the building and my heart was slumping in my chest while I still tried to get Alex to let me go. He had to let me go because I had to save my Harry before it was too late.

It wasn't too late yet, it wasn't. It couldn't fucking be.

"Nat, baby, c'mon. Look at me, stop!" Alex whispered, his voice cracking in the end.

Was he crying? He didn't get the right to cry, he wasn't letting me go get him out of there so he didn't fucking get the right to fucking cry.

"He's gone, you can't save him anymore." Alex sniffled.

My heart froze in my chest and I stopped in my tracks, feeling my breathing starting to get heavy.

"I- I can still save him... I can." I panted out. "He said he'd always come back for me. He promised. He said always."

Alex talked, but I couldn't hear him. I could see his lips moving but what the fuck was he saying? My ears were ringing loudly and my throat was bone-dry because this... this was a fucking nightmare and Harry was about to wake me up.

Please hurry.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I whispered, threading my fingers in my hair and panting frantically. "I love you, can't you fucking hear me?"

My voice echoed within the rocks piled up against the door and I wondered if Harry was in there, listening to me. Maybe now that he knew I loved him he'd try to come back, he had to come back because I wasn't going to make it out alive if he didn't.

This wasn't sadness, no, this was something else, but I didn't know why. I needed help, I needed help but I only needed his help. Why would he do this to me?

He helped me with my eating disorder when no one else did, making sure I ate at least one proper meal a day.

He helped me with my nightmares, holding me and promising everything would be alright even if it wasn't true.

He made me laugh so fucking hard that my cheeks hurt, always keeping a smile on my face however he could.

He stitched my wounds and took care of my injuries even when I asked him not to.

He let me cry without judging me, hugging me each and every time.

He made sure that I was feeling supported and happy.

He never ever commented on my body, always looking at me like I was the greatest gift in his life.

He cherished my whole fucking existence without even hesitating.

He was himself around me and that was enough to make me want to be someone else, someone better, for him... for us.

Harry Edward Styles, I fucking love you. I always did and I always will.

 I always did and I always will

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woah that shit hurts

this is kinda rushed and the writing is terrible
but i'm really sorry for this ):

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