It was quiet for a second while everybody started eating. Once Tim felt it was the right time he put his spoon down. " Mya, and Chris, I want to apologize for everything. I was really out here being selfish, not thinking about nobody but myself. When it comes to Syren she was just somebody I could never shake. But I should've especially when she started all of that bullshit between with my sisters. I've done a lot of fucked up shit to you Mya and I know that Chris fixed his issues but I wanna take responsibility on my end. C, was on the right path and me being the fucked up person I am pressured him to do dumb shit. There was plenty of times when he didn't want to do anything and I'd call him out in front everybody just cause I knew he'd fold—."

"I appreciate that Tim, I really do." Mya interrupted "But no matter what you did or said to get in his head he should've been strong enough to still say no. So please don't sit here and think you have to take the blame for that. I didn't mean to cut you off I just want you to know that I don't want you taking any responsibility for something he knew not to do."

"I just wanted to let you know that I did have my part in it. I want a clean slate with everybody Mya. Do you know how crazy I been feeling without being able to pick up the phone and not be able to just call none of my sisters or just pop up on you and Chris? It's been devastating being up under mommy all the time and Brian depressed ass. I need my old crew back. When I need advise on this parenting shit, who ima call? I know things won't bounce back over night but I just want y'all to know I'm sorry, for everything and I appreciate everything y'all ever done for me. If I've never told y'all this before...thank you."

"It's been hard being without you Tim. I know it'll take a while before we're back to what we used to be but I'm glad we're on the right track. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you because I do. You and all you're craziness. And I'm also happy to see you stepping up and trying to make things right. Little Timmy is finally growing up."

Tim laughed. "I'm trying man. Like C said, a kid can't raise a kid."

"Oop, drop that knowledge then bae." Mya winked.

"I speak facts when I need to." Chris smiled. "But it is good to see you doing what's right. And we never had any issues but if my wife got a problem then I got a problem. But that's squashed, it's time to move on cause it's more important shit for us to worry about."

Tim nodded. "Agreed."

"So all that mess is behind us. We got a lot of exciting shit coming up. Mya about to have the baby, yo baby on the way we got Kayla gender reveal coming up. Mya's 30th birthday coming up, you know shit gone be epic for that. Let's get back to having fun."

"Cool with me. But I do have a question for you Breezy."


"Do you think you and Brian could try to hash things out again?"

"He doesn't have to hash anything with Brian." Mya spoke up. "Brian has no reason to be upset, that became very clear during our therapy session."

"You know what, ima give Brian the benefit of the doubt. All in all, he was just trying to keep his sisters protected and I can understand that, we all go to war for our families." Chris said. "I've tried time and time again to be on better terms with this nigga but he'd rather have an issue. I no longer have the energy to deal with his bullshit nor am I about to kiss his ass so it's best that we keep our distance."

"But nigga, you planned a family getaway and he coming. How this gone work?" Tim asked.

"Don't worry your little head Timothy...I got something that's gone humble your brother."

Mya and Tim looked at Chris with furrowed eyebrows, confused because they thought this was supposed to be a peaceful trip.

"Chris I'm telling you right now if it's about to be some mess, just cancel everything. The last thing I need is some chaos that going to send me into labor. Aren't you the one that's constantly moving foward?"

"Don't worry beautiful, this will help us move forward." He drunk the rest of his juice then stood up. "Nice talk guys." Chris walked away and headed upstairs.

Tim looked at his sister. "Some shit about to go down Mya."

"I knew this trip was a bad idea."

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