fourteen | the five

Start from the beginning

After eyeing Annabelle, who was in the midst of compelling someone to give her their drink, Rebekah looked back at Klaus and said, "Doubt that."

Klaus replied, "No? Well, what if I told you the Brotherhood of the Five still existed?"

It was then that a loud crack was heard, which made everyone but the Mikaelson siblings to turn their heads and look at Annabelle, whose hands were bloody and the shards of glass from her new shot glass were scattered around on the counter and the floor.

While Annabelle started to shake after she had clenched her hands into fists, Rebekah said, "What?"

Klaus said to her, "You see? And like that, bygones. Come on, love. Work to do."

Rebekah told him, "We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I don't care about the Five, and I don't care about you."

Klaus replied, "As you wish." Without even glancing behind himself to look at Annabelle, who was now following him as her body heavily shook, he said, "Now if you'll excuse us, I think Annabelle has a little anger to work out of her system in the meantime."

While Rebekah stared after them with narrowed eyes, Klaus said, "I'll see you later, little sister."

With a shake of her head, Rebekah turned away from her two siblings and stared ahead of herself until she too left the Grill.

* * *

After watching Annabelle tear into the necks of her victims, Klaus said, "Well, you weren't kidding when you said you were hungry."

Instead of responding, Annabelle merely rolled her eyes before she started to tear into yet another neck.

Ever since she and Klaus had left the Mystic Grill, her half-brother refused to leave her side and constantly made comments about her as she tore into the necks of anyone that she saw.

If it wasn't for the fact that a vampire who apparently knew her had turned every witch that she had originally allied herself with against her, she would have contacted them to find a way to temporarily put him down so that she could feed in peace.

But unfortunately for her, she knew that if she tried to put Klaus down herself, he would most likely dagger her for doing just that.

So she could do nothing but try her hardest to ignore him, while yet another headless victim fell onto the asphalt.

It wasn't until he made yet another comment about her that she finally snapped and quickly turned around before she slammed his back into a wall.

While Klaus merely raised an eyebrow at her, her veins started to come onto display as she asked him, "Is it really that difficult for you to be quiet for once in your life?" Just as he was about to respond, she said, "If not, then do me a favor and shut the hell up."

With a scoff, he asked her, "Do you really want to speak to me this way, when you and I both know that I can't be killed? Even more so, now that Mikael's been dead for a couple months now?"

She replied, "I don't give a damn about what you'd do to me at this point. All I care about is you shutting the hell up because your constant commentary is driving me mad. So, unless you'd rather that I hold your choice of daggering me against you and then decide to go after Caroline the moment that the dagger is pulled out of my heart, then I'd suggest that you keep your threats to yourself because I don't want to hear them."

Without even waiting for his response, she pushed herself away from him and sped away and left Klaus by himself as he thought over Annabelle's words.

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