"She's not here and I'm not sitting alone."

"Wow, so I'm your second option?"

"Third actually."


"Hey you asked."

"I didn't really. Wait didn't Pansy say she was coming here early? Like she left before us right?"


"She's not here. You just said that." I look around the room trying to find Pansy.

"I did."

"So where is she?"

"Probably had to make a detour or something."

"Oh yeah. Probably."

(Time skips to end of class)

"And make sure to finish your essays!" Professor Lupin called as we all pack up.

"Where's Pansy?" Blaise asked as we walked down the stair case.

"She wasn't here when we got here."

"So where'd she go?"

"I don't know. Draco said she could have had to stop somewhere."

"Then why wouldn't she show up?"

"I'll check our dorm. She might be in there."

"We have class in like 10 minutes."

"I can make it there and back in 10 minutes."

"Okay, but if you're late I will not hesitate to say told you so." Blaise smirks at me.

"Wouldn't expect you to." I roll my eyes.

I hurry away and pick up my pace until I reach the portrait that opened up to the Slytherin common room.

"Wizzbee." I mutter and the portrait swings open. I step inside and hurry up the stairs to go to the girls dorms.

I make it to our room and open the door.

"Pansy?" I call. It's dark and the curtains are closed. "Pansy are you in here?" I call again.

I open the curtains which let a bit of light in. I pull out my wand.

"Lumos." The tip of my wand lights up. I shine it around the room. "Pansy? If you're in here say something!"

No response.

"I'm leaving and if you're in here, well, I don't know, but you shouldn't miss class." I call out.

I shine my wand around the room one last time before walking over to the door.

"Nox." The light disappears and I close the door behind me. I walk out and hurry down the steps.

I step out of the portrait hall and start to make my way to class.

"Peyton!" I hear someone call. Unlike on the train I turn around.

"Alayna! Hey!" I call as Alayna and River walk faster to get to me.

"What about me?" River asks.

"Hey." I giggle.

"Hey to you too." River says.

"Do you guys have classes by Charms? I don't wanna walk alone."

"We have Charms!" Alayna exclaims.



"Wow, how did I never see you guys before now?"

"I don't know, usually Slytherins don't pay attention to Ravenclaws." Alayna says.


"You don't have apologize. You're just a higher popularity level than us."

"But that's not true. It's my sister that's popular, not me. Plus you guys are the only people I can really can say I met on my own with out Pansy."

"Really? You're so cool." River states which makes me blush.

"I'm really not. I'm more embarrassing than cool." I laugh.

We walk to Charms and I sit down next to Alayna. I see Blaise say something to Draco and they both turn around. I look down pretending to be writing something on my paper.

After Charms, River invites me to come hang in his dorm tomorrow. I obviously agree.

I make my way to Potions, which sadly is not with Ravenclaw, but with Hufflepuff.

"Look, Peyton! It's your people!" Blaise says all giddy. I just roll my eyes and sit down next to him. Draco walks in after us with Pansy next to him. Her eyes are red. Was she crying?

"Ehm." Snape says clearing his throat. The class falls silent as he look about the room. "This class with not be easy. As for some of you, it might be even harder for you than the rest. I will make no acceptations for late work, not even if you are laying on your death bed." That's a bit harsh.

I turn to Blaise to see he's folding a piece of paper. He glances up at me, smiles, and goes back to folding and unfolding the paper.

I don't pay much attention to Potions, thought I should because potions was not my best class, even with Draco helping. Before I know it, class is over.

All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now