Photo to trey above since he's getting kinda important lol.
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Really Leo? Don't tell anyone about the group? You jackass I internally scold myself. I was running late for class because my locker was stuck when I saw someone trip and fall losing their keys in the process. I did what a normal person would and helped them get it only to find out it was her. Lilia. I was surprised but I've always been good at masking my feelings,she must have thought I was bored or didn't care about the whole situation as I handed her the keys and don't even get me started on why I was whispering. I was going to ask her if she was okay and it came out in a whisper. Then it got awkward, we just stood in front of each other, I was going to ask her if she wanted a ride to the group therapy stuff when we spoke simultaneously and she laughed and I swear my Brain short circuited and I didn't know what I was going to say anymore when she asked me. Then the next thing I know I'm telling her to keep the therapy a secret.

When we part ways I'm still angry at myself even after the next period when I'm talking to Dylan and she passes us by. We make eye contact but she looks away,probably mad. I was going to excuse myself from Dylan and apologize to her when one of her friends runs up to her looking apprehensive. Its one of the twin girls though I don't know which one. I do share a Mandarin class with one of them though and its not this one , I think. Their conversation doesn't end until the bell goes for the next class and I scowl. "dude did you get that? " I'm sorry what? " geez Leo you got a kid somewhere?  You're always so absent minded" I'm sorry Dylan,hey I'll make it up to you I'll take you to that ice cream bar you like so much tonight. "Really? But you can't have ice cream"  I know but you can,I'll even order mine for you. " aww look at you getting all romantic for me" idiot I say with a scowl and punching his shoulders. I'm going to class,be ready at six. "of course sweetheart" he says  with a sugary voice,I don't bother turning back I just flip him off but I hear him cackling and know he saw it.

Finally school let's out and I'm sitting in my car. And no I'm not waiting to see if Lilia needs a ride I'm just waiting, don't want to be early now do we? Soon the parking lot clears out and only a few cars are left behind mostly cars belonging to jocks and cheerleaders who have practice or people who have detention. Giving up I start my car,the best thing my dad has gotten me and drive in the direction of the center. The drive is short so I'm going almost below speed limit when I spot her.  I'm not sure its her though I mean there are a lot of blondes at our school but getting closer I'm positive its her and of course I slow down when I get to her and roll down the window. Did that red head toss you out of her car? " ginger? Oh no I chose walk, she doesn't really know about the therapy thing' shit I swear under my breath,I didn't Mean to make you lie your best Friend or anything "oh no I chose not to tell her before you said anything,its okay" well I have to give you a ride now for being such an asshole earlier. " you don't have to,I prefer to walk anyways" I don't have to but I really want to. She contemplates a little before sighing "okay" I promise I won't get you killed I say. " you better not" she says with a laugh as she rounds the hood and gets into my car.

She gets comfortable with her seat belt as I continue to drive. We're quiet but its not awkward, its comforting actually and I steal casual glances at her on the way. I could get used to this, her in my car, the sight does things to my heart. Wow I can't believe I just admitted I have a heart,what is wrong with me I tsk."what's wrong?" Uhm nothing I was just remembering something.  " really? Tell me about it". I didn't know what to say but luckily we got to the center at that moment. Bummer I would have but we gotta go now I say as I kill the engine and face her. She just smiles before saying "okay,I see what you did but you can't run away from answering me forever Leo". Then she gets out of the car and I follow her lead,we go into the building. I wasn't avoiding it I say, " I don't recall saying those words" she muses. Shit I say under my breath, and she laughs." Its okay Leo,no pressure okay? We'll figure it out". We were now in front of the room so i just nod with a smile then I open the door, she steps in and I follow her.

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