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I saw Leo a lot today but I was always with my friends and I couldn't go meet him and get an avalanche of questions thrown my way. No thanks. Today during the assembly today we stand according to our career paths arts and science and he stood closer to the front since there were less people in the Art's and I noticed him scanning the room and he stopped when his eyes landed on me. At first I refused to look away and we continued staring at each other until I felt like those green orbs were sinking into my soul and stealing all my secrets , I broke the contact but not before I saw his smug smile. Idiot. Now, it was time time for the next class PE ,my fave. The halls were deserted once again as I was running late. I quickly dropped my books in my locker and grabbed my gym locker keys. Now speed walking to the gym I trip so glamorously and land on my face,My key flying in the process. Wow my luck is mind blowing these days. I start to get up when I see a hand in front of me,I accept the good Samaritan until I look up and face none other than Leo.  " the janitor was heavy on the floor wax  today you're the third person who has fallen down here" okay great to know mother nature doesn't hate me though. "I'm sorry,are you okay?" He whispers. Yeah I just think I broke a rib but okay I whisper back. " at least the brains still working though " yeah I continue to whisper yeah the grey matter is intact. "Why are we whispering though"  I don't know you started it I say with a laugh. " your keys" he says normally and hands them to me, Thanks  i say and the crickets start the music. We stand there in awkward silence. We should "I just" we say simultaneously. I laugh but he just smiles a little. You first I say "I just wanted to ask for a favor " okay sure. "Uhm it's about the group stuff,I just wanted to ask if you would mind not telling anyone about it?" Okay I was not expecting that. Yeah of course,safe space right? " right " he says . okay I'm gonna go I've got PE now, you're secret is safe with me. " great thank you,see you around Lilia" maybe I reply before I continue in the direction of gym.

Now he doesn't want anyone to know about the group? I'm a hypocrite for asking but still this boy just keeps getting stranger by the day.
Thankfully I'm not too late for PE and the class goes faster than usual to me. As I leave the class I see him talking to a guy from my class, his name is Dylan. We have actually been partners on some projects since our last names are close. Ross and Reyes.
I just realise that I have actually never seen him (Leo) around school until I started looking. Its funny how we don't notice so many people around us. As I pass his eyes flicker to me briefly before he looks away. I have no time to think about that as I am ambushed by spring. "Help Lilia!" What is it? I ask apprehensively. "Trey asked me to the dance" geez the dance isn't in two months time I chuckle,how sure is he that he'll still want to by then. "Not the point Lilia, what about winter" at her name I look around to be sure she isn't anywhere in sight. You still haven't told her,you sicko you're making it worse by stalling! " I'm scared" you literally shared a womb with this person, sure she gets mad for a while,She'll get over it eventually. That's if she even cares, I find it hard to believe winter likes someone and said it so casually. You didn't hear her, she even called him sweet. Maybe she was messing with you. " ugh I'm exhausted I'm just going to tell him no " and miss out on the opportunity of actually having something real? Come on spring suck it up and tell you sister the truth okay? "Its so hard hiding something from her though, its like she's everywhere" considering you share a house and go to the same school that's not a huge surprise I say with a laugh. We both walk towards our classes as the bell goes and eventually part ways. Its the last period of the day thank goodness cause I'm already so exhausted.

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