Jugyeong finally speaks up, cutting off everyone's gossiping. "What are you talking about?"

Taehoon suddenly stands up and pretends to drum roll, everyone following him and drum rolling with their hands. His hands fly out, making everyone come to a halt as he puts one hand forward, "Are you going to choose Suho?" He asks before putting out his other hand, "Or Seojun?"

Everyone leans in closer and starts asking her the same question, some even giving their opinions on who she should choose. Jugyeong shakes her head in denial, "It's not what you think why would they like me? Maybe they just fought because they hate each other!"

Everyone says no way, disregarding her guess on the situation. Taehoon sighs, "So why did Mr. Han sit next to Ms. Lim, hmm?"

Everyone starts talking at the same time and yelling what they think, making Nari wince at the loud voices, she was having such a peaceful day but she's sure she's going to get a headache by the end of it. Sooah notices the discomfort on Jugyeong's face and the irritated one on Nari and stands up, taking matters in to her own hands. "Alright, that's enough. Let's just believe what she says, go and get back to class!"

Everyone whines but reluctantly follows Sooah's instructions, the crowd dispersing in a matter of seconds with the help of Taehoon. Sooah sighs and turns to Jugyeong with a pitied look. "You're going through this because you're pretty," Sooah says, "If an average looking girl was sitting here no one would've started such a rumor."

Nari immediately looks at Sooah with wide eyes, knowing exactly how that was going to make Jugyeong feel. Nari discreetly glaces at Jugyeong and panics when she see's the down look on the girls face at her friends comment. "It must be exhausting—"

"—Anyway," Nari interrupts with a forced smile, "Let's all just agree to drop the subject and pretend it never happened, hmm?"

Sooah nods and throws the two girls a thumbs up before turning around in her seat. Jugyeong throws Nari a grateful look. Nari stands up from the seat she stole from another desk and pats Jugyeong on the shoulder soothingly before putting the chair she stole back in it's designated desk and heading back to her seat. Looking over at Suho's empty chair, she can't help but worry about him.

She knows they aren't friends or anything but his lip was busted and Nari had the right to feel bad. Speaking of the devil: Suho suddenly walks in, everyone gasping and whispering as he sits down on the chair next to a surprised Nari, ignoring everyone's whispers and pointing. 

Tapping Suho, she ignores the irritated glance he throws her way and hands him a gum from the pack she brought. Suho looks at her weirdly like he did when she offered him a pencil. Nari nudges him with the gum. "Here, I don't have a band aid and I doubt this will help with your lip but it's the thought that counts right?"

Suho nods and takes the gum from her hands, Making everyone whisper about it. "I hope your lip is fine."

Suho nods once again and throws her a grateful expression that she notices right away. Throwing him a closed lip smile, she turns back to the front of the classroom and lays her head on her arms.

The door slams open moments later, forcing Nari to look up with an agitated expression. There stands Seojun's friends, prominent glares on their faces. "Lee Suho." Chorong speaks intimidatingly, "Can we talk for a minute?"

Everyone's eyes widen at that as they watch Suho get up and walk off with the group.

What was going on today?

𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 ⎯ HAN SEOJUN (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Where stories live. Discover now