What If

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Over the course of a few days Virgil continued to sleep with Roman in his bed and wake up every morning to a grateful kiss. Sometimes Roman would sleep on top of Virgil when he had nightmares in order to calm down. A week has gone by since the Light Sides run in with Remus. Roman was slowly, but surely recovering by sticking close to Virgil and talking with Logan during lunch. Things were finally returning to normalcy, but another important matter needed to be addressed.

Today Virgil had a meeting with Logan in his study. He was unsure about what this talk would consist of, but Logan's tone was stern. Not that, that wasn't characteristic to his personality, but something about it made it sound extra stern. Virgil was a ball of nerves as he meekly made his entrance.

"Hey Logan. What is it you wanted to talk with me about?"

"Ah Virgil right on time. Please come in and have a seat first."


Sheepishly, Virgil sat himself down in the chair provided for him in front of Logan's desk. He felt like he had been sent to the principal's office as he twiddled his thumbs. What was this all about anyway? He didn't do something wrong right? Virgil really couldn't think of one thing that would have made Logan upset with him so he continued to stew in awkward silence until Logan spoke up,

Logan: "Now Virgil there's no need to look so uneasy. I've only asked you to come here to talk over the data I've compiled about your size-shifting ability and another matter afterwards."

Virgil sighed with relief,

"Oh man it was just about that? Thank goodness, you had me worried I'd need to do more tests for you Logan."

"An understandable conclusion, but no tests anymore. From the data I've compiled I believe I understand your ability sufficiently enough."

"Cool....what did you find?"

"For starters we've established that your original height was 50 feet tall, but now that this unique ability of yours has awakened you can now expand to 1000 feet as your maximum. You've climbed to this height twice now, once when your control was weak and another when you had developed it more. Thus, resulting in you not shrinking like last time."

"Yeah I noticed that after I finally got Roman back safely and tossed Remus into the rift. It hadn't even dawned on me that I still had perfect control over my growth until we picked up Patton and you in the forest. I'm kind of relieved I didn't shrink again."

"Indeed, such a draw-back might have been a problem in the unforeseeable future. It would also appear that you can't shrink yourself the same way you can grow."

"Mhm...I tried once when I was with Roman and Patton on the training grounds. Even though I could picture it the feeling that came over me was unpleasant."


"Like unnatural...."

"I suppose that's a good sign as you were originally giant and your natural being is still such. Wanting to forcibly shrink probably goes against your nature."

"My nature huh."

Virgil looked down at his hands and pondered to himself about that night with Remus. He had scared him, one of the monsters that tormented Thomas and the others. Did that make him even worse than a monster? If so then what was he, why did he have this ability?

"Logan, d-do you have any ideas about what I am?"

Logan wasn't usually a sentimental type, but in that moment he rose from his desk and walked casually over to Virgil's side. Gently he rested his hand on Virgil's shoulder and spoke with a charming smile on his face,

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