Growing Pains

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Once again, this is a flashback to events that occurred before Chapter 1 as Virgil's friends are coming to find him and Deceit has left Virgil in an out of control state.

*Off in the distance still a great length away from Virgil, but closing in fast.

"We need to hurry"

"I know! Who knows what kind of trouble that newbie has gotten himself into."

"Do you think he's alright? I mean he went out at night, all by himself. He didn't even ask any of us for help...he didn't even ask ME for help."

Patton was visibly torn up inside wondering what he could have done differently to gain enough trust from Virgil for him to have confided in him when in trouble.

Logan began running side by side with Patton and Roman followed suit.

"Hey Pat, you did the best you could and all you could for that guy. If he couldn't trust you with whatever is going on right now, he couldn't trust anyone is how I see it."

"For once I agree with Roman."

Roman and Patton both visible shocked at the remark.

"No need for strange looks! All I'm trying to point out is that Virgil is a complicated guy and not nearly enough time has past for you to develop any kind of stable and mutual supportive relationship you both could benefit from."


Patton let out a soft sigh of relief. "You kiddos are the best!!!"


"You got that right! Now lets go save that newbie!!!"

Roman shouted as he began to speed up, taking the lead of this now riled up rescue party.


*Else where Virgil is experience what can only be called growth pains. Normally the Dark Sides are only able to be giants and the Light Sides are only about to be normal size.

Virgil is the only one capable of size-shifting, but he's still pretty new to it and thus it causes a great deal of pain whenever it spirals out of control.

Virgil is curled up on the ground sobbing as the pain spreads throughout his whole body. He groans as quietly as possible as he knows that Logan, Patton, and Roman are on their way.

"I can't stop it. Even if I try to calm down I can't."

Roman: "Hey! Virgil are you here? Answer me if you are or try to make a sound so I can find you." Roman had arrived on the scene and was now shouting for Virgil to give him a sign of where he was.

"No,no,no,no. Not now, not like this! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Virgil let out a ghastly scream has he began to grow rapidly in size

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Virgil let out a ghastly scream has he began to grow rapidly in size. His eyes squeezed shut from the sharp pain and ringing in his ears. He stood up once the first growth was through, only to find a now petrified Roman gazing up at him.

"Roman, yo-you need to get away from here. I-I can't stop it."

Another shock wave of pain began to swell up inside Virgil has a jumped up another few feet.

"Yo-you're one of th-them!"

Roman was trembling as he remained frozen in place. His eyes wide and a cold sweat developing on his face.

"You ne-need to leave qu-quickly, please!"


Virgil's eyes grew large and tears began to well up again from the shock of that word.

"Wha-? No, I'm not a- monster...please don't say that."

One last shock wave of pain swelled up again as he grew twice as fast for one last burst. He could barley even see Roman as tears covered his eyes. Then the others arrived.

"Virgil?" Patton whispered.

After the others appear, Virgil runs away and Patton follows him.

To be continued.

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