Damsel in Distress

Start from the beginning


Now in the caves:

"Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty. Your tower awaits."

Roman was in a daze when he awoke to find himself lying on what appeared to be a play mat with the design of cobblestone printed on. Immediately, he remembered where he was and with whom. It took even less time for him to realize he was no longer wearing the clothes he previously had on as well. He was now donning a poofy pink dress, white silk gloves, and a puffed up blonde wig with a tiara attached. His face had been painted on with a fake beauty mark near his eye and plump red lips. Overall, he looked ghastly!

"Oh my gosh, did you undress me in my sleep?!"

"What's a little nudity between brothers? Honestly you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You make a darling little damsel!"

"Damsel? Is that what this tacky dress is all about? You want to play damsel in distress with me?"

Remus touched his nose in delight.

"Bing bong! You got it!!!"

"Then are you supposed to be the prince or something?"

"Come now brother, do I look like a prin-"


"Ouch, you didn't even let me finish. Now I'm left all limp."

Roman winced in disgust at that remark.

"No your prince is the brat I left out cold in the valley. I'm taking up the role of the big scary monster who's taking you hostage in my tower."

"I'd hardly call this cave a tower."

Remus smirked as he flicked his pointer finger in the direction right behind Roman. A shiver ran down his spine as he cautiously turned around to face the looming figure of a tower, a real tower. It wasn't something Remus had made, but stole from somewhere. Roman didn't even want to think about what else Remus might have destroyed in the process of acquiring it, then an even more frightening thought flashed through his mind. Frantically, Roman looked around the room to see if Remus had snatched any people up as well.

"Now, now brother there's no need to worry. You're the only toy here and that's because you're so special to me. This game is just for the two of us, that is until your tiny friends find you."

Thank goodness Roman thought as he sighed in relief. No one else had to suffer the way he had all those years ago. He had finally started to relax a little when Remus suddenly began poking at his backside.

 He had finally started to relax a little when Remus suddenly began poking at his backside

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"No time to waste princess! Time for you to get into the tower and start the game."

Each poke was more forceful than the last, until Roman found it hard to keep his footing. He toppled over in pain to Remus's dismay.

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