Author's Note

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     Hey, everyone! This story is a work of fiction that was created, originally, as a joke amongst our friend group based off of each of us being the main characters in a fantasy novel. It's since been developed from there. This is all the work of our own imaginations with a little bit of added Greek mythology and a couple of other legends from different cultures. Even if we did add a certain legend, there's a good chance that we modified it to our liking or to fit the story. We may not always be sure where the creatures or places we mention come from (if they come from anywhere but our heads), and if someone would like to educate us, please do! Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged, but please don't leave any hate! This whole story is meant to be fun and we want to keep it that way. Although, feel free to rage over characters and their wrong doings in the comments, we both do it often. We love reading comments, so feel free to say whatever comes to mind. Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy! :)

                                                                                                                        Love, Kyran and Rhonwyn.

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