Chapter 12: The Bruises

Start from the beginning

I had to admit that Luke was pretty convincing and rational.

It was hard not to believe him.

"Do you really believe him?" Thalia asked after Luke left.

"I don't know, Thalia. He was pretty convincing with the bruises and the logic. Plus, Percy also had evidence of a fight on his body, and he's been acting strange."

"Yeah, but I don't think Percy would initiate a fight with Luke. He isn't a sexual predator, Annabeth, and he wouldn't go after you like that."

Thalia was right. From what I've seen and understood about Percy in the past few weeks, he wasn't a bad guy at all. However, he had been acting strange today.

"I have to talk to Seaweed Brain, Thalia."


The rest of the week returned mostly to normalcy. Two things were different, though.

One, Percy avoided me. He didn't initiate any conversations, even annoying or flirty ones, with me all week. There weren't many opportunities for us to talk considering we didn't share any classes, and we were surrounded by our friends during lunch. I wasn't able to confront him about Luke.

Two, my dad came home. It's been over two and a half weeks since he had last come home. Like I mentioned, my father was a popular traveling professor and anthropologist. His work already required many field trips around the world. The fact that he took up teaching on top of that made it so he rarely spent time at home.

Even after he had come home, I barely spent time with him. My dad was on work calls during the day. I let him spend time with my half-brothers in the evening. They really needed some memories and experiences with their dad, so I was giving them the maximum amount of time with him. Helen was also doing the same.

I knew that Helen and my dad were fighting about his work. To be honest, I kind of took Helen's side. A career was important, but family and friends should be the top priority.

And, my father left before the week was up.

For me, it was like he was never there, and I've grown accustomed to it. However, I missed him. I missed spending time with and talking to my father.


Currently, I was shopping for groceries at Giant Eagle. Yup, it was a Saturday evening, and I was at a grocery store rather than with some friends.

I was walking through the vegetable aisle when I saw a familiar face.

"Seaweed Brain, I cannot believe your grocery shopping," I said as I pulled up to him.

"Hey, Wise Girl, why would it be a surprise?"

"You don't expect the playboy extraordinaire to be disciplined enough to shop for food," I said with a teasing smile.

Percy rolled his eyes as he added a bag of spinach into his car.

"Percy, I have to talk to you about something," I said seriously.

"What's up, Wise Girl? Are you curious about January 20th? Less than two months left," he replied with a sly smirk.

I groaned. "First, I'm not sleeping with you, Seaweed Brain, because you're not winning this deal (a lot can happen in two months). Second, this isn't about that, Seaweed Brain."

"You're right that a lot can happen in two months. For example, in two months, I can win this deal and consequently have you for a night."

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain," I said as I shoved him.

"Ow," he exclaimed while rubbing his elbow, but he was still smiling. Honestly, he seemed a lot better now. His warm and enthusiastic personality was back, and somehow, he seemed physically better as well.

"Percy, I have to ask: did you fight with Luke earlier this week?"

"What?!" he asked with a surprised chuckle. "Wait, you think that I fought with Luke."

"Well, Luke had bruises all over him on the same day that your knuckles were bruised, Seaweed Brain."

"So what? My bruised knuckles had nothing to do with Luke. He's lying," Percy said seriously.

"Then, how did you damage your hands earlier this week?" I asked. I wanted to believe Percy, but I had so many unanswered questions.

"Oh my god, I cannot believe you actually think I got into a fight with Luke. You're seriously believing that asshole over me."

"What am I supposed to believe, Percy?" I asked in frustration.

He kept dodging my questions.

I could see the hurt in his eyes. "You've known me for weeks now, and you should know that I don't just get into fights for no reason. I cannot believe you're still talking to Luke. Not only talking to him but actually eating up his lies."

I stared at him for a few seconds. Percy seemed more hurt and angrier about my accusations than I expected him to be.

"Wow, Wise Girl. You really shouldn't trust that guy," Percy growled and started to walk away.

"Seaweed Brain, he said the same thing about you. Neither of you are giving me a reason to trust or not trust you both. After all, we are only interacting with each other because of a deal we made. It's not like we're even friends," I said in anger.

Percy whipped around. "Annabeth, you know that I don't manipulate and cheat, but you do know that Luke does. You've seen firsthand how Luke could be, yet you're still believing his words. I can't believe this," he said throwing his arms.

With that, he stormed away. While I knew that this conversation would be rough, I didn't think that Percy would get so emotional.

After several minutes of confusion and contemplation, I caught him in the dark Giant Eagle parking lot. He was loading his car with his groceries.

"Seaweed Brain," I started. I heard his audible sigh as he turned around.

"I have a history with Luke, but you're right about how bad Luke could be. However, the logical evidence (ie your mood and injuries this past week and Luke's bruises) as well as how you're dodging my questions makes it incredibly hard to believe you. Percy, I think-"

I was interrupted by a loud ring tone. Percy fumbled with his phone as he stared between the caller ID and me. He seemed to be contemplating between answering the phone and continuing our conversation.

I felt a little rejected as he decided to answer his phone.

I watched as his facial expression changed as he listened to the phone call. It went from neutrality to anger, stress, and concern.

"Wait, Calypso, hold on," he said on the phone.

Calypso. That was a girl's name. Who the hell was Calypso, and why was she calling Percy?!

"Where are you right now? I'm on my way okay. Call the police, and just stay hidden. I'll come to get you," Percy said firmly as he fumbled with the rest of the groceries.

The phone call ended abruptly as Percy yelled her name into the phone. He seemed incredibly concerned as he turned towards me.

"Annabeth, I'm so sorry, but I have to go," he said quickly.

"Wait, Percy, what's going on?" I asked urgently. He simply shook his head as he rushed to his car door. The adrenaline quickened my pulse and my brain. I ran forward and got into his passenger seat.

Even though it seemed like a very dangerous situation, I was gonna go with him.

A part of me knew that Percy would do the same for me.


Hey y'all, I hope that you guys are enjoying this story. Let's do this!!!

Also, please check out my completed Wattpad story: The Greatest Show


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