3- Home sweet home

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I swiped it over the lock panel, the door let out a beep and a click as the door opened. I turned and stuck my tongue out at the referee. 

Yes I still do that and no I don't give a damn.

I pushed the door opened and peered in cautiously. Clair sat at the back of the room drinking coffee from a mug with her badges logo on it.

I cleared my throat to announce my presence. Clair looked up at me, she didn't seem angry or upset. She simply raised an eyebrow and spoke. "I was wondering when you'd get back. Care to explain?" She asked as simply as if I'd come late to dinner.

"Well, it's kinda a long story..." I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"Good thing I arranged to get off work early."

"How did you...?"

Clair clicked the remote next to her and the tv lit up showing images of Red and I battling in Goldenrod earlier the writing underneath read 'the champion returns'. "Its been going on for the past hour. I guess that you'd head here. Now tell me what happened in Unova, including Pinwheel."


"Emma you don't exactly go places without being notices these days. It's been all over the news for the past few months." Clair sighed with a light smirk.

"I guess I do have a lot to explain don't I?" I sighed sitting across from Clair, awkwardly playing with my Key Stone.

"I see you've made friends." Clair nodded at the screen showing me with Silver and Red talking a before flying off.

"Yeah... for once." I shrugged.

"Well let's start at the beginning shale we?"

"I guess so..."


"After I defeated Alder the police finally got it all sorted for me to be allowed the region." I finished up. "And I left straight after that with everyone but we took a longer cruise because a couple of my friends wanted to go back to their home regions." I sighed.

Of course I'd left out small details like what happened between N and I, that is something I'd like to forget if at all possible. But I did end up explaining that I did actually die because I didn't see anyway around that and I didn't know how much she already knew.

Clair had remained quiet the whole time waiting patiently for me to finish.

I sat in my chair silently staring at my hands waiting for Clair to say something. Somehow the silence was more daunting then being grounded or yelled at or anything like that but I guess it's cause I'm used to be yelled at, not by Clair but I am used to it.

I heard the chair scrape against the floor but I still didn't look up. Clair walked around to my side of the and knelt down to my level.

"I'm not mad Emma, I knew for you to not have shown up or called you'd have a good reason." Clair said quietly. "You've been through a lot and I know that you feel safe here so for you to have stayed away so long I knew something was wrong but whenever I tried I could never find exactly where you were other than somewhere in Unova."

I looked up at Clair for a moment then down at my hands. I didn't expect this, sure me and Clair didn't have an exact mother daughter relationship but I did get in trouble at times. Damn it, give me Cyrus over this any day. At least I can bash him and call him an asshole.

Why us? (Pokemon fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon