(GIF from JUJUTSU KAISEN ep 7 "Assault")

"Why are they so shocked?" I heard Leorio shouted in confusion

I didn't pay attention to that when I felt another ball of light. I quickly raised my two arms in the air creating a shield to block it off and protect those behind me but I had underestimated its force as I felt that I was being pushed back to the edge.


"Don't worry about me, I can do this—" I let out a yelp when I almost got pushed right there. I let out a chuckle and cracked my knuckles. "This fight is getting interesting,"

He emitted another wave again but I successfully blocked it, I could tell that he was getting desperate as the minute passed by. I teleported to his front which made him take a back and quickly fled away from me.

"Hey, just surrender, it will be easy that way." But he didn't completely listen and sent another blast which made a deep hole in the wall behind me.

"I guess, you die here, now" I muttered and quickly smashed his head to the ground. He gnarled and tried to get up. "That's it, come on, try harder,"

I saw him struggling and used my foot to bash his head further to the floor. I felt the ground cracking because of it. He quickly jumped and tried to land a punch on my face, I grabbed his arm, ripping it from his body.

"Hey hey, who would miss their arm?"

But he generated another arm just as I expected. I can't waste another hour for just fighting him. I stopped and went to the center of the floor. I raised my two fingers, with one over the another, I then muttered. "Domain Expansion: Infinite Void,"

With that, we were engulfed by a silver like sphere. My opponent couldn't do anything but stand and stare at the oblivion. I presented him with limitless foundation, information about everything and at the same time seeing nothing and feeling nothing.

I dashed behind him and laid my hand at the top of his head. "This is the inner world of Limitless,"

"Perception, communication, isn't it ironic? When granted everything, you can't do anything,"

With those words, I forced his head off from his body, holding it in my hands like it was a trophy. After that move the sphere I created broke down and we were back to our normal setting.

The group didn't react when I came back. They just stared directly at my eyes, I sighed and went to cover it again using my blindfold and with that they were back to their normal state.

"Y-your eyes," Gon stuttured.


"They remind me of the vast sea when I left Whale Island,"

I didn't know how to react to that but still they were still staring at me, weirdly. I chuckled and patted at their backs, reminding them that I've won and pointing at the head I laid in front of them. I was about say something again when another bridge connecting to an unknown room appeared.

"That's where you will spend the next 50 hours," The voice from the monitor said.

I let out a sigh and threw the head to the other side, the prisoners all flinching at my sudden move. I stopped and was about to say sorry when Killua and Gon held my hand and dragged me to the room.

The room consists of bookshelves, a television, and a refrigerator. There were also some couches and coffee table at the center. I can't believe I will be spending my time with them for two days, I could already imagine the chaos I will see every minute.

The guys started to place themselves in the room, I went to the corner and went to sit in there. I placed my head between my knees and assessed what happened in the past few days. First, I met my father's ally, who was supposed to be dead but somehow is alive, two, I actually have made some friends, and three, why is there a special grade cursed spirit here in the Hunter Exam?

This is odd, cursed spirits are known to be vile and possess passionate hatred for humans, they couldn't just get their hands on them like that. They aren't seen by humans unless they entered their 'Inner Domain' . That's why the guys have seen them with their own eyes. I better ask the management about this.

"Fiz, are you okay?"

Kurapika was already standing in front of me when I lifted my head. I nodded at his question and then he decided to sit next to me. That's when I remembered what I was supposed to ask him, I looked around and saw that everyone was busy with their own so now's the perfect chance.

"Kurapika, I'm sorry to ask this..." I muttered while twiddling my fingers. He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. "Are you perhaps from Kurta Clan?"

"I see, is it because of my red eyes?" He gladly replied to my question but I could see that sadness gleaming in his eyes. "I'm sorry that I didn't bother to mention it to you,"

"No, it's okay..." I didn't know how to directly say it to him as I was too bothered to think what his reaction will be. "I have something to tell you, just don't be shocked,"

"What is it?"

"My Mother had once mentioned... that she is from the Kurta Clan," I stated, looking directly at his eyes. He never spoken a single word and his eyes seemed to be lost in space. I gulped and continued. "I remember how her eyes would glow red whenever she shows emotion to me so...seeing you earlier just reminded me of mother"

"She always tells me stories about her childhood growing up in Lukso Province and how she passed the test given to her when she wanted to explore the city...should I continue?"

He just sat there, no response coming out of his mouth. I took his silence as a yes.

"When she was 14, she came in my Grandfather's household and decided to work in there and that's when she met my father—Eeh!? Kurapika?"

His arms were tightly wrapped around me and his face buried into my neck. I felt his slow breath on my neck, his body slowly melt into mine as if every fraction of his muscles lost its tension. Then in a second, tears sprung to his eyes.

I gently patted his head, hoping it would comfort him in a way. I knew what he was feeling at the moment. It must be hard for him to live after knowing your whole clan was salvaged. Being in his shoes, I could imagine the pain, the sadness, and sorrow he carried throughout the years.

"Kurapika, after all of this, I'm gonna take you to my mother," I whispered in his ears. "She's a Kurta after all, it would be good if you both are together, she can comfort you better than I,"

"You talk as if you're not one of us. You are a Kurta too, you're her daughter after all,"

"Well, if you say so,"

We both let out a laugh, but soon stopped when we both noticed the glances that the boys gave us. I just waved at them and continued chatting with Kurapika.


Hi guys! I'm shocked to see that this story got an overwhelming reads in a matter of days. I didn't expect that since I just did this for fun. So I'm gonna use this opportunity to thank you guys for reading this fanfiction although it have lots of grammatical errors and cliché moments (ngl I hate clichés but I ended up doing them..yikes I'm such a clown). One more thing, I'm sorry for the low quality GIFs, I tried multiple ways of making them HD but it seems that Wattpad could only support 2MB so yeah we I couldn't put GOJO's beautiful eyes in HD (ಥ﹏ಥ). 

Lastly, I will be gone for six days since I will be busy finishing my homework, so I hope you all understand. Bye and have a great day/night!

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