Chapter 25

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"Pick that up this instant!"

Gayoung heard a yell. Curious, she snuck peek from where the yell was coming from and saw Yeona with her head bowed down as Yoongi yelled fiercely at her. He pointed at the boxes of goods she had dropped and spilled all over the wooden plank floor and yelled even more. 
Gayoung's eyes trailed down from Yeona's upset face to her hands to see them clenched tightly. She felt an uneasy and sick feeling in her stomach. Yeona clenched her fist even tighter as she looked up and glared at Yoongi. Yoongi taken aback, stopped yelling.

"Are you glaring at me?"

He roared, feeling a surge of anger as he started walking towards her. Yeona daringly continued their eye contact and clenched her jaw. She did not budge as she crossed her arms, staring straight into his eyes.

"So what if I am? I think you just hate me, you jerk! I was going to pick up those boxes but you just had to yell at me!"

Yeona screamed, causing all the customers to look their way. Yoongi's eyes widened as he continued walking up to her. Soon, their faces were an inch apart. Yeona look up at Yoongi while Yoongi looked down at her, keeping the eye contact. They were both seething with anger.
Before anything else could happen, Gayoung rushed towards them and grabbed onto Yeona's wrist, attempting to pull her away. However, Yeona just flung Gayoung's hand away, continuing her glaring contest with Yoongi.

"Yeona, let's go,"

Gayoung begged, grabbing hold of Yeona's arm again only for her to be pushed away. Gayoung landed on the floor with a loud thump as she felt her elbow graze the ground. A sharp stinging pain could be felt on her elbow as she winced. This time, Yeona was not glaring at Yoongi but Gayoung.

"Who do you think you are to stop me? Remember, we're just colleagues, get that right,"

Yeona muttered, causing Gayoung's heart to break into pieces as she stared at whom she once thought was her best friend who now spat all those cold and hurtful words at her. Yeona's face remained emotionless but tears flowed down her cheeks.
At the same time, Hoseok had heard the commotion and rushed over to see Gayoung on the ground. He immediately took a step in front to run to her but remembered how she ignored him and hesitated. 

"Why did you have to go to that alleyway?! Are you dumb? How could you forget everything? I worked so hard to heal and help you and you threw it all away because of him? Why would you neglect yourself?"

Yeona yelled, wiping the tears off her face as her eyes met the bracelet with lilac, violent and indigo beads that she wore on her wrist. Gritting her teeth, she took off the bracelet and threw it at Gayoung. Gayoung's eyes welled up in tears as she stared at the bracelet on the ground before her. She felt a sharp stab in her heart.
However, at the same time, Hosoek was in utter shock as he had multiple questions swarming in his head. That alleyway? Had Gayoung been there before? Yeona healed and helped Gayoung? From what? Lastly, why did Yeona said Gayoung was neglecting herself?

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