Cabbages and an odd knight

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Megumin blushes and looks away.

Megumin: how about this abandoned castle?

Y/n: it's your call. 

Megumin: alright! this castle it is then!

Megumin starts chanting and charges up her explosion magic, a few seconds later she fires it off and it hits the castle, you felt the shockwave glide past your face and it looked satisfying afterward you prop her on a tree.

Megumin: it was amazing was it not?

Y/n: it was as awesome as last time. 

Megumin: now all you have to do is go on you card and learn the skill!

Y/n: It's certainly there, but it cost 50 skill point and I only have 5.

Megumin: oh...

you notice how she immediately got sad and her mood dropped.

y/n: hey don't worry, I will learn it I promise! I just have to get the point's.

Megumin: Really?!

Y/n: of course. You are really passionate about it. It's the least I can do. ^shame I can't use my own Cero though actually...^ hey Megumin? you a genius right? if so could you help me with something?

Megumin: Alright what do you need?

You charge your Cero and the same instability occurred 

Y/n: See I have the ability to do this but it's not meant to be so unstable, I can't control it.

Megumin: hmm, try focusing more on it and on regulating your mana rather then just on charging it.

you follow Megumin's instructions and it worked like a charm, your cero became stable and controlling it felt natural.


you fire the Cero at the castle and cause a decent explosion, it was not as large as Megumin's but it was a start.

Megumin: Your welc- wait what was that?

Y/n: its called a cero, it's pretty spammable and causes a decent explosion, your's dwarfs it though.

Megumin: does...this mean you don't want to learn explosion anymore?

Y/n: your being foolish of course I want to learn explosion it's amazing plus I won't throw your passion away like it's not a factor.

Megumin: thank you...

she blushes and looks away.

Y/n: anyway I'll take you back now.

you grab Megumin in a bridal carry and sonido back to the guild entrance with her.

Megumin: wait what was that?! 

you show clear signs of exhaustion.

Y/n: a...skill... I have.

Megumin: you seem tired.

Y/n: yeah...going such a distance is quite exhausting.

you both re-enter the bar and you place Megumin on a chair 

y/n: you good?

Megumin: Yeah, I should be good soon.

you sonido all over the place until you found a store to buy a mana potion. (not sure they exist but they really should although I am only going to use them this once unless I find out they exist, I found out they don't but I will roll with it this once.)

Konosuba (malereader X meguminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora