"Oh god, ok! Um, Enzo said I was hiding something and the truth is that I do. I know I have to tell you before I do to anyone else, but I'm warning you I don't want you to have hope, because it might not work. Okay?" she raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response. Stefan had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he nodded anyway, too eager to find out what's the thing she's hiding.

"When I was living in Portland, my ex- boyfriend...killed almost all of his family for revenge because they didn't consider him as a warlock, not that he was an actual one, he just had the ability to absorb magic and using it temporarily. Anyway, he belonged to the Gemini Coven and he had to merge with his twin sister, just to see who would become the leader of the coven. The stronger would survive the merge and would gain some of the personality traits of the other, who would of course die. His father then decided that he should be punished for what he did, so when my ex went to merge with his twin sister, his father tricked him and sent him off to a prison world, where he would be living the worst day of his life repeatedly" she finished and as she did, Stefan became more confused than before.

"So correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying that Bonnie and my brother are in a prison world, probably living the worst day of their life over and over again?" he asked.

"Not exactly. If I'm correct, they are in one of the prison worlds, living the personal hell of the prisoner. In other words, they are just trapped there, trying to find a way to return" she explained.

"And why didn't you tell me before?" Stefan made finally the question.

She knew that sooner or later this moment would come, but didn't expect it would be so soon. Honestly, Max was afraid. She feared the fact that if Stefan found out, their relationship would be affected, not because his love for her wasn't strong enough, but his love for his brother would prevail. She was well aware of the bond the two brothers had and what she did, not telling him the truth from the beginning while she knew how devastated he was, was selfish.

She avoided Stefan's pointed look and looked elsewhere, trying to gain some courage again. "Because I didn't want you to have false hopes. I know and I'm seeing it right now how you're feeling about Damon, hence why I didn't tell you. I wanted to prove if my theory was correct first and then reveal you my 'big' secret. Enzo had to ruin the whole thing, though. As always" she scoffed.

 Once she finished, a long and disturbing silence fell upon them. Max was desperately waiting for his answer but Stefan didn't know what to say. He surely didn't like how she kept this a secret from him; although at the same time he could justify her. She wanted to be sure and he was appreciating it. Nonetheless, she hided it and that wasn't something to ignore.

"I think you should leave" he decided, making Max's jaw drop.

"What?" She couldn't believe that he didn't want to talk about this.

"I think you heard me. I want some time alone and right now, you being here isn't very helpful" He stated. Max sighed and did what he told her, seen as he wanted to be alone.

She started walking to her car, when her phone suddenly buzzed. Max pulled it out of her pocket and saw that she had a message from Caroline. Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, she unlocked her phone to see what her crazy friend wanted.

From Caroline:

Elena is having a lake party at Whitmore or something like that and you're coming! I won't take no as an answer!

The message made Max roll her eyes. She loved Caroline from the bottom of her heart, but sometimes she was driving her nuts. Like right now. Well, to be honest her best friend didn't know what had happened but Max was trying to put the blame on someone. And that someone happened to be Caroline.

Unfinished Business 》Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now