Tommy's Magical Achievements

Start from the beginning


"No, Tommy, please," Wilbur said. "There is no way broomsticks are made that recent."

Tommy groaned, "Wilbur, how the hell am I supposed to remember all this?" 

"You study," Wilbur stated.

"Yeah, I know, but like why?" Timmy asked. "Why do I have to know when broomsticks were made, shouldn't I just be thankful that they exist." 

Wilbur sighed, "With that attitude I'd be surprised i you manage to get an E at any of your subjects."

Tommy let out a dramatic gasp, "You take that back," he said.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, "Why? Think you can prove me wrong?" He asked.

"I so can. Heck I bet I can get an O in one of my subjects," Tommy said.

Wilbur smirked, "Alright, prove it then."

"I will."

Tommy was not proving it, to say the least, but hey he thinks he actually has a chance at his next class. 

He had always liked taking care of plants. The ones in their house was always his responsibility so he was used to it. What difference would magical ones make? Yeah, well apparently they can squeeze the living daylights out of you.

"Over here, we have the Devil Snare," Professor Shrub said, leading the students over to a closet. She opened the door slightly letting the students peak at the plant that was inside. All Tommy could see was...vines?

"Okay, that's enough," the professor said. "Wouldn't want it to get out in the light, that'll be bad for it."

And so they proceeded with the rest of the lesson. They handled a couple of non-sentient plants, which are mostly used for potions. "Oh," the person sitting beside Tommy mumbled when they knocked a water bottle, making it roll over to the closet. 

Tommy watched the kid pick up the bottle. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the closet door creak open, followed by a scream. The kid was pulled inside.

Acting out of pure instinct, Tommy made his way over to the closet as he pulled his wand out of his pocket.

"Lumos Maxima!"

A bright light emitted from the tip of his wand, making the Devil Snare let out a screech before retreating back to a dark corner.

"Oh dear," Professor Shrub said. "That was incredible, Tommy. Ten points to Hufflepuff," she said. "You have a knack with plants I see," she said as she helped the student that the Devil's Snare grabbed.

The professor's words made Tommy much more determined. Maybe this was the class for him. 

That theory was proven a week later.

"Wilbur!" Tommy yelled as he entered the Great Hall, running over to the Slytherin table, parchment in hand. "Ha! I told you so!" He practically shoved the parchment into Wilbur's face.

The brunet grabbed the paper form the boy and read it through. "An O," he said before laughing. "You actually got an O?"

"Of course!"

Wilbur smiled, reaching over to ruffle Tommy's hair, "Good job, child. I'm proud of you."

"Don't call me child or I'll fuckin' bite your hand off."


It was Tommy's second year, and he was going to try out for Chaser position in the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. He was in the locker rooms, changing into try out uniforms when he noticed another second year. It was that transfer kid, what was his name? Ranbow?

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