21: Truths and Lies

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"I love you more" She replied breathlessly, smiling against the kiss. "But I really need to go now or else our breakfast will be ruined"

Giggling the Luna detached herself from the whining Alpha and left a flirty kiss on his lips before walking downstairs. She was just finishing up making the orange juice when Jungkook entered the kitchen. Cheekily, he stole a kiss from her lips and told her he had something to do but that it would be fast. While he was away, Fai woke up. He climbed out of the tall bed and Hani found him, going down the stairs in a sitting position. Laughing, she picked him up and took him with her to the kitchen, where they started putting the table as they waited for the Alpha.

They were already sitting at the table when the door that led to their backyard opened. The Alpha was holding something behind his back, hiding it from Hani's view. Unfazed by her curious gaze, he leaned down and kissed her cheek tenderly. Then, he sat down in front of Fai who was munching slowly on his pancakes. Carefully, Jungkook placed a wooden wolf at the table, facing the toddler. His hands were bruised, filled with cuts and scratches; that's how Hani knew it had been him who made it and at the sweet gesture, she smiled tenderly. Fai scanned the wolf curiously, unsure if it was for him. He raised his head and pointing at the wolf, he locked his eyes with Jungkook's in wonder.

"Yeah, it's for you. Here, you can hold it, it's okay. I made sure it was smooth enough to not hurt your hands." With a gentle and kind tone Jungkook spoke. He pushed the wolf carefully closer to the toddler and nodded his head warmly at him, reassuring him that it was safe to touch it. "It's a gift. A toy... I have noticed you don't have any with you"

Fai's little hands grasped the wooden wolf and raised it from the table. Dropping his spoon on his plate, he studied the sculpture, his eyes trailing down the different curves and details on it. When he was done, he once more stared at the Alpha. His eyes were twinkling gently, tenderly, shyly maybe. But still, a big, huge, smile blossomed on his face and he started shaking the wolf up and down in his hands in excitement. Chuckling, Jungkook patted the boy's head and fondly ruffled his dark bangs.

"He likes it a lot. Good job, baby"

Hani's honeyed voice caused the boys' heads to snap towards her. Smiling softly, she grabbed Jungkook's hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. Moved by a sudden, unexplainable, wind of love and affection, Jungkook's lips pressed themselves on hers. They sealed the kiss with smaller ones, their giggles echoed around the room and Fai observed them attentively, with his new toy safely secured in his hands.

"My dad used to make me these wooden wolves. We couldn't afford real toys, so instead he made these for me. There were a lot of them in the house as I grew up. It's nothing special but..." Jungkook explained as he stuffed his cheeks with his breakfast. "I figured Fai would like it."

"You made it for him... with your bare hands, Jungkook" Hani comforted her mate as she cleaned Fai's cheeks that were all stained with syrup. "It makes it special, unique, meaningful... The intention itself is more precious than any other toy you could have possibly given him."

The day continued smoothly. The trio finished their breakfast, Jungkook prepared for the day while Hani gave Fai a bath. She put fresh clothes on him that his grandfather had dropped by their house on the day before. They left the cabin and welcomed the early morning breeze: Hani with Fai on her arms and her hand tenderly wrapped around Jungkook's. The birds were starting to arrive at the pack, their chirping awakened even the deepest of the slumbers in a sweet and gentle kiss. Hand in hand, the mates made their way towards the cabin Fai and his grandfather would be staying at. They made small talk, discussing details and the plans they had for the newcomers. Fai scanned the scenery around him; curious and intrigued at the new place he had been brought into. The Alpha knocked on the door and immediately, from the other side, Zhelan peeked his head out. He smiled tenderly once he saw his grandson, his eyes turning into crescent moons. Lively, he opened the door and welcomed Fai with open arms. This time, the boy didn't make a big fuss. If it was up to him, surely, he'd want to spend more time with the Luna. But Hani – witty as ever – promised that they'd come by to see him throughout the day and that he could always come and see them; he knew the path to their cabin, anyways, and even if he didn't, the pack members would be kind enough to show it to him. Just like that Fai was separated from the Luna and the Alpha for the time being. The door closed and the smile that had been engraved in Hani's lips, faltered. In a way, the promises she had used to reassure Fai, were also for her own reassurance. She had gotten quite attached to the toddler and, although she never expected it to be this sad, his absence was upsetting her tremendously. Jungkook was quick to notice it and he started leading Hani away from the cabin, slowly. He tried to raise her spirits with plans and options; she could always invite him to have lunch with them or perhaps they could bring him to the market. Eventually, Hani joined in. She too proposed different things and even blossomed into small smiles as she thought of how nice it would be to have him around more.

The True Alpha: Bad Blood //jjkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora