"I want to speak to him," you demanded.

"Oh?" he asked, laughing. "And who are you to command me, siren?"

He wrapped a strong hand around your neck, yanking you towards him. As he pulled you in, you could see yellow flicker across his eyes like candle flames.

"You know I can crush your throat in the blink of an eye, don't you?" he asked, wetting his lips.

You grabbed hold of his arm, unable to break his grip.

"But you won't," you returned. "Not with Jimin's soul in there. He won't let you hurt me."

The demon laughed. "You're so sure? You don't know him at all, do you?"

"I can see him in ways you can't, demon."

The demon cocked his head to the side once more, a small smile peeking from the corner of his lips.

"Alright," he said. "I'll grant it. It will undoubtedly be fun to watch. Also... his hatred for you only makes me stronger."

His hand released your throat as his eyes flickered once more. The look in his eyes suddenly hollowed, emptying until you could read the thoughts behind them once more.

 The look in his eyes suddenly hollowed, emptying until you could read the thoughts behind them once more

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"You shouldn't be here," he said coldly.

"Jimin?" you asked, grabbing his hand. "Oh, god, Jimin is that you? Don't worry. Seokjin will help you. He can get rid of the demon --"

"And why should I get rid of him?" he barked back. "So I can be controlled by creatures like you?"

Jimin came to his feet, grunting in pain. You put a hand to his shoulder, but he swatted it away.

"Get out," he commanded. "There's no telling what we'll do to you."

"You won't hurt me. You won't let him --"

"Won't I?" he asked, squaring his shoulders at you. "Shouldn't I have a way to protect myself from your power?"

He stared at you for a long moment, and you could see the brokenness in his eyes. You could hardly breathe seeing how much you had hurt him.

"I had no idea what I was," you said, almost in a whisper. "Honestly. I care about you, Jimin. Truly. You've always been so strong and kind --"

"And where did my kindness get me?" he hissed back. "Kicked out of the navy? A laughingstock to the king himself? The inability to help my own family? I've been possessed by both a demon and a siren... has my kindness led to anything profitable?"

His eyes flickered yellow once more, but he grabbed his head and grunted.

"Fight him," you said, coming to his side. "Don't let him take over... please..."

His hand struck out for your wrist, grabbing you and pulling you towards him. He stared deep into you, the desperation and bitterness swirling in his dark, velvet eyes.

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