"Speaking of crushes," Sage started as she lined her toothbrush with toothpaste and ran it under the water. "Any girls caught your eye?".

Ginny shook her head and said, "Not really," but Sage could see the way Ginny looked down at the ground.

"C'mon," Sage teased and kicked Ginny's leg with her foot that was clad in a fuzzy sock. "I can tell there's someone you fancy, you're just not telling me."

Ginny chuckled nervously, still looking down as her foot nudged something on the ground. "There's not, I swear."

Ginny had known she was gay ever since her second year. It all became clear after her first kiss with a boy, an inexperienced peck on the lips that lasted far too long after an awkward date in Hogsmeade. When their lips touched, she immediately knew she didn't like it, wouldn't like it with any one of the opposite gender, and everything started to fit into place after that. Everything suddenly seemed to make sense The way certain magazines caught her eye, how she wanted to be 'friends' with the prettiest girls she could find, how practically obsessed she was with one of Charlie's girlfriends when she was younger.

She had immediately told Sage, and Sage couldn't have been more accepting and encouraging. Sage was the real reason she had dated her first girlfriend, Megan Jones. She had convinced Ginny to talk to her after months of intense eye contact, had assured her that she didn't need to worry about being rejected and that if she had been, Sage would have been waiting right behind her to comfort her.

Sage had known Ginny for 3 years now and had known of her sexuality for 2, and she knew when Ginny had a love interest in mind. She knew the way Ginny would look down to her fidgeting hands or the ground whenever she was smitten - her tell signs were not at all subtle. Why she didn't want to tell Sage about a love interest she didn't know, but she wasn't going to push it. Instead, she just continued to brush her teeth and looked to the mirror.

"You want to go into Hogsmeade and get lunch?" she asked with a foamy mouth, realizing she needed to actually eat food to rid the pang of hunger from her stomach.

Ginny nodded as she rearranged Sage's products on the countertop. "Yeah," she said and paused, seeming to contemplate saying something. "We should invite Hermione if she gets back from whatever she's doing."

Sage was confused for a moment, her toothbrush halting in her mouth. "Why? We never invite her along unless it's with the whole group."

Ginny didn't have an answer right away, just shrugged and looked down at her intertwined fingers.

Sage continued obliviously brushing her teeth, but the brush was soon coming to a stop in her mouth again as her eyes widened.

"Wait," she said and bent over the sink to spit her toothpaste out. She turned to Ginny, a slight smile on her wide-open mouth. "Do you like Hermione? Is she the girl you've been crushing on recently?". Sage couldn't believe that she hadn't seen it before. "Don't lie to me."

Ginny rolled her eyes but knew she couldn't further hide it from her best friend. "Maybe I have a small cru-".

"Oh my god!" Sage interrupted with a squeal. "That's so great, you guys would be so cute."

Ginny shook her head amusedly. "Slow down, we don't even know if she likes girls yet."

Sage shook her head. "She totally does. I can tell."

"Whatever, we'll see."

A devious smile took over Sage's face. "We will," she said and walked back out of the bathroom.

"Sage," Ginny warned. "Do not do anything."

"I won't," Sage said, but the smile that was on her face said otherwise.

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