Chapter 23

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My mornings usually start with a cup of coffee but today I'll have milk. I just want to. Maybe I got bored of drinking coffee every morning.

I'll be meeting the three dorks who always got my back. They told me that they have a surprise for me. I am not expecting much, knowing how crackheads they are. They are probably just making a prank on me.

After preparing, I teleported my self towards the restaurant they planned to meet. It's not a grand restaurant but it's not also cheap. Just so-so.

As I got there, I didn't mind the eyes that kept on following me. I am not an attention seeking kind of person. I actually hate it when people pays attention on me.

After moments, the three of them finally came. Zhan Shuo is holding a box. It looks like a box of cake. Seriously? Did I forget someone's birthday?

"Let's order, first. Chitchats are for later." Hua Chuong announced, he obviously went here for food.

"Just order my fave dish for me, please. Thanks." I said in boredom and rested my back on the chair's back supporter.

Zhang Ming smiled at me before nodding. He's crushing on me again.

I giggled a little because of what I thought about. This poor man, Zhang Ming, can't really move on.

He keeps on throwing weird gazes towards me so I moved closer to him.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"N-Nothing." he looked away. He's getting more suspicious.

After ordering, I finally got the chance to ask them about the thing they wanted to tell me.

"So, what was your surprise thingy about?"

"It's about this." Zhan Shuo replied, handing me the box of cake.

I opened it with confusion. I don't understand them.

The cake inside the box of cake is a plain cake. And I don't know what's with this plain cake that they put inside a box.

"O-Okay?" I said.

"You're so stupid!" Hua Chuong loudly said which made me feel embarrassed.

The embarrassment level makes me wanna laugh. What is happening with me?

Hua Chuong took a fork and used it to get something in the middle of the cake.

"Read that." Zhang Ming smiled.

"I don't know who's stupid here. If you have just directly told me what this thing is about, we're done here." I made a deep sigh, as if I'm very disappointed with them.

"Just go read it." Zhan Shuo's patience is getting shorter. Which is a success for me.

I read it without using my lips.

"We figured out how you can travel from one world to another. About the details? Let's talk about it later tonight."

I read it maybe 4 to 5 times before finally understanding the simple context of the text.

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