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At night in a small spaced street, the moon is the only source of light. Shen Wei closed his eyes adjusting in the dark surrounding.

"I don't know where I am." he mumbled.

He was looking around as he took steps forward. After more than 30 steps, he finally got out of that small alley. He adjusted his round eyeglasses as well as his clothes. Shen Wei's close to perfect face was displayed clearly for the moonlight seems to focus only on him. He was walking normally, acting like he isn't lost.

'Where am I again?' he asked himself, looking around.

He isn't from this world and only started living here for 3 days that's why he isn't familiar with this place. Where did he came from? Who knows?

"AI! ZHAO YUNLAN!" Shen Wei heard a woman yelling.

As he turned his back to see where the scream came from, a man bumped into him causing for them to crash on the ground. The unknown man was on top of Shen Wei, their wide eyes are locked on each other.

Few seconds passed but no one dared to move. Shen Wei couldn't stop himself from being captivated by the man's eyes. He felt something inside him that is difficult to explain, it's like these eyes are hypnotizing him.

"Aish!" a woman harshly said and lifted the man on top of Shen Wei. Their eye contact was finally broken and unconsciously, Zhao Yunlan got slightly irritated.

"Why don't you listen to me, Zhao Yunlan!? You are being—"

"Shhh..." the man named Zhao Yunlan interrupted the woman by putting a finger on her lips. The woman rolled her eyes.

"Sir, I am very sorry for bumping on you." Zhao Yunlan said, eyes on Shen Wei.

"A-Ah, it's okay." Shen Wei replied while fixing his clothes and avoiding more eye contact.

Zhao Yunlan took 4 steps before reaching for Shen Wei's head. Shen Wei didn't expect that resulting for him to be frozen on the spot. Zhao Yunlan adjusted Shen Wei's messy hair. After that he patted his head like a cute little puppy and smiled.

"I think you're fine, so I guess I have to say goodbye now. It's late, you should head back home." Zhao Yunlan removed his hand from Shen Wei's head.

Shen Wei doesn't know what to do so he just nodded.

"I'll leave, Mom. Bye." he said while looking at the woman. Motioning his hand to make a wave, he turned his back and started walking.

"I am not your Mom! You!" the woman answered back.

"Then stop acting like my Mom, please!" Zhao Yunlan retorted.

The woman answered back and they continued bickering while walking away. Shen Wei who's left alone, sighed.

"I wasn't able to introduce myself." he muttered.

"Wait? Does that even matter?" he lightly slapped his right cheek and brushed off thoughts about the man he encountered.

He continued walking, still looking for the right way back to his home. It was near midnight that's why it's cold, he was hugging himself while walking. When he saw a tall building, he knew that he's almost back. His steps became larger and faster, finally he arrived at the building of his condo.

He immediately went inside, waited for the elevator, when the elevator opened he entered and tada! He's inside his room already. He turned the lights on, "WHAT THE!?" that's the only thing he said after seeing the state of his condo unit.


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