Chapter 13

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"That was a friend. Asking for help." I said as I approached him.

I was expecting for a continuation of our hug but he just gave me a cup of coffee. That hurt.

"I'll take a shower now. I have to see that friend of mine."

"Oh? Okay. But where exactly are you going?"

"At an evacuation center. He's actually from another city, he just came here to give help." I answered. He nodded. I walked towards him and asked for a hug. He hugged me and since our height doesn't differ much, he did not have any problem kissing the side of my head.

Wow. He's getting braver. I thought it's always me who does this sneaky move.

"Take care." he whispered.

I fastly took a shower. Of course in his condo unit. I'm here already so it's a waste of time going upstairs and taking a shower there.

When I left, he was watching the rain outside through the window near the kitchen. I didn't bother him anymore and just left.

I met Huang Ren at the evacuation center straight away. The people are too many and it was chaotic. They are covered by thick clothes to protect them from getting cold.

I was wearing a raincoat so it was kinda uncomfortable, so I took it off. I immediately ask a volunteer about where Huang Ren is, right now.

"He's there, Chief." he pointed at a group of people.

"Thank You." I replied, smiling.

"Huang Ren, Huang Ren! What a troubling day it has been to you, for sure." I said as I was getting near to him.

"Chief Zhao Yunlan! You're finally here." he excused himself from his group and walked towards me.

He reached his hand to me which I accepted. Then we hugged each other before he introduced me to his group. All of them are his employees and they are the volunteers from their company.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" he asked while laughing. We're in the middle of our talk and he gives this unfunny joke.

"Of course not. You have lots of money, you can rent a place to stay in for the meantime."

"You're still stingy, when it comes to me." he acted hurt but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"And one more thing, you have many companions. How can I accommodate all of you in my unit?" I added.

"I said just me. Are you deaf? They said they'll stay here together with some volunteers. I can stay here, too. But you're already here, so I'll take this chance to catch up with you."

"Catch up with me? You don't have anything to catch up with." I laughed.

"Come on, Chief." he also laughed. "Stop being secretive towards me."

"I am not. I'm saying the truth." I lied, once more.

"Okay. You're saying the truth. I'll stay with you tonight."

"Aish, Huang Ren. You can stay at my place but I am not sure if I can stay with you there."

"I think that'll be better." he irritatingly smiled.

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